Thursday, June 03, 2004


As promised, here is my first entry in my previous BLOG

For those of you stumbling upon this and wondering what the hell you're doing here, please bare with me. I believe a slight explanation is in order before I begin. First of all, I cannot continue without giving credit, where credit is definitely due. Ms. Katie Calautti, this is definitely a result of your inspiration. There, it's said. Now why is a 23 year old man writing in an online diary cleary meant for those half my age, and with one less extremity. First of all, men keep journals, so let's clear that up. A diary is something your younger brother stumbles upon and reads in your room about your steady boyfriend putting his hand on your boob, and then making references to it at the dinner table so you know he's been snooping. A journal, on the other hand, is a place for thoughts, memories, and bullshit (ie what you're reading now). And besides, where in the laws of gender and society does it say that men of a certain age cant express their thoughts through writing. Of course, those of you who know me know I've always been a little off. So there you go.

Now, in know way do I guarantee this to be interesting, thought provoking, entertaining, or humorous. After all, I do work in radio. And if that is something you're looking for, allow me to direct you to the following site... I have to say that for the past few months, this had provided me with some entertainment. I've laughed, I've cried... OK, i can't back that up, but I've come close a few times. No, cant back that up either. But it is entertaining, and Katie is always good for a laugh or too, whether it is with her or at her. And she works at hooters, so enough said :-)

My life is not the most interesting of things, at least from the cheap seats. I mean if someone were to make a movie about a post college man searching for meaning and purpose and his place in society, and the hijinks, ups and downs that result from said search, they wouldnt be knocking on my door. Hell, I havent even been on a date in X months. Oh, who the hell am I kidding, X years. But they say someone is only as good as the company they keep, so I can give you something from that. Plus, besides the occasional alcohol-induced blackout or drug-induced hallucination, there's more going on in this huge noggin that you think. (I swear, it's like an orange on a toothpick) It's always going with some thought about the strange events that occur in the world of christian. And while detailed accounts were never my forte, a concise summary will entertain just the same.

So enough about that. Now to my friends, I have to apologize in advance and offer a disclaimer. Any details of your life that we may share are subject to usage and publication. For some of you, nothing to worry about. And for others, you better hope this page doesnt spread too far. Hell, what have I got to lose.

But having said that, and exhausted my creative time for the day, ponder on what you have read for a day or two, and check back every now and then for updates. :-)

Now back to Big Trouble In Little China... as far as I'm concerned, Kurt Russel and Kim Cattrell's greatest achievement.


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