Thursday, June 03, 2004

Everybody wants to rule the world

Being that my new favorite word is blog, I've decided to use my blog, to discuss blogs. I've come to the realization that the popularity of these things is far greater than I originally thought. It turns out a few of my more opinionated friends have chosen to take their thoughts to the world wide web. Let's face it, everyone's got an opinion. At least us select few, a courteous few, decide to take our thoughts and put them in writing so we can allow people to read them at their leisure. Only if life was like that... "I dont care what you have to say right now. Write it down, and I'll get around to it when I feel like it."

Some use these things to convey the excitement (or lack thereof) of their days, some use it to empty their minds of nagging thoughts, and some use it for a little bit of both. But why are people so interested in what other people have to say? Is it perhaps a reflection of the old adage - the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence? It is always interesting to see what other people think, I must admit. Perhaps it's a little voyeuristic to peer into others lives... or maybe it's validating to see you're not the only one that thinks these crazy thoughts.

Regardless as to what the point of these things are, I tip my hat to those who are brave enough to expose their, what you could call "hand diarrhea," to the world. Keep it coming, you'd be surprised who's actually paying attention to you.

By the way, take a look at the following...
Realbadpudding's Blog (michelle)
The Chau Show's Blog
Tom's Blog
Katie's Blog (Hasn't been updated in a while, but some of the previous ones are rather entertaining)


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