Saturday, June 12, 2004


So today was an interesting day... I was filling in for my boss at Z100. He's the commercial production director there, which basically means he is in charge of getting commercials (and other random production stuff) ready for air. Basically anything that doesnt have to do with imaging, he takes care of. He's been there for over 15 years now, so he's pretty comfortable with his job. So in an attempt to do what he calls "Christian Sorge PR" at the station, he wanted me to fill in for him. Apparently, even though I feel this has changed recently, I'm a bit under the radar there. I do a lot of stuff, mostly nominal tasks, and once a week I do a show that airs over the weekend (not to be confused with my other show that airs on the weekend.) So since I interned with him, and have worked with him for the past 4 years now (god, that's a long time), he decided I was ready to step in for a few days. I have to admit I was a little nervous. I'm not the type to F up, and I have a pretty good attention to detail, but this is stuff that clients pay 10's of thousands of dollars for, so if I fuck up, it's all on me. Plus, it could hurt my place at the station. In addition, this all requires voice work, which I didnt do myself. My boss actually did it from home since he just had to take off to watch his kid. But still, incorporating it, and getting everything straight is a little more intense then sitting in a secluded office and dubbing all day. Despite this, I was up to the challenge.

Well I have to say, the day went pretty smoothly. A few kinks here and there, as expected with anything. It's one thing when you have someone there watching you, like a test drive. But once you're behind the wheel on your own, it's a little weird at first, but you fall into it. But I think I pulled it off. Hopefully this can mean a little more work and a little more money in the future. Of course, there are some roadblocks to be considered. I'm not one to step on people's toes, but there's someone at the station who usually fills in for this guy, but my boss really wants to throw me into the ring. I suppose it's his decision, but I can't afford any dirty looks in the hallway. At least anymore... ever since that day I forgot to wear pants.

But other than that, I also had my hands filled with a few stars passing through the station. First, it was alex from the calling... you may remember them from such hits as "whereever you will go." Or that big pop smash "whereever you will go" And dont forget about "whereever you will go." But apparently there's a new song on the way. Let's hope it'll be as big a smash as their first it... the name escapes me at the moment. He was actually cool... not very talkative to us normal people, but did a pretty good job with reality radio, which makes my job a hell of a lot easier. So no complaints there. Maybe he had some time to think since he was over an hour late. that's alright, take your time, I have nothing better to do with my time.

After squeezing in some work, but not much, it was time to make way for yet another group to record, this time it was the sexy brit trio mis-teeq. Apparently they have a top ten hit in the UK. Now my ass could have a top ten hit in the UK. Come to think of it, I think my ass DOES have a top ten hit in the UK. But not to discredit these ladies, they were very talented and very sweet. And to humble them even further, they took the PATH over from NYC. Let me tell you, that being my primary form of transportation to the city, there is nothing more humbling than that. The smell alone is enough. But anyway, they were also rather entertaining in their reality radio. Plus I find british accents on women to be extremely sexy, especially if the women themselves are sexy. They also had the most beautiful eyes, I couldnt help but stare, and for once, it was above the neck. Nothing like a little sexual chocolate to brighten your evening. Ladies and gentleman, Mr. Randy Watson.... Sorry, where was I? SO yeah, then after the reality radio, despite the fact that I had to desperately get back to work, they had to record this custom z100 intro for their song. Let's just say I got my taste of what's its like to work in a recording studio. 20 takes later, I think they had one they were happy with. I have to admit, it is refreshing to hear people that can sing, and perfectionists as well. And then there was tommy page along side coaching them. hehe, tommy page.. you may recall him from his big 90's hit, "I'll be your everything." He's now a record rep. Anyway, during this session, we all bonded. I've been offered to produce their next album. I think I might hold them to it. Just show up at the studio and be like "ok, I'm ready." And then I get escorted out by security after being kneed in the nuts. But yeah, It's fun hobnobbing with celebs. ;-) I think that's my destiny, to just hang with celebs all the time. Well, I can dream, can't I?

And think, I get to do this all over on monday :-)

God this is turning out to be a long post...


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