Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Slippery when wet

So I was talking with a friend earlier today, a friend who shall remain nameless, about one his ex girlfriends. Apparently she has found herself a new man, and things have progressed to a pretty serious point. He was a little upset because in the back of his mind, he always had that glimmer of hope that one day things might go back to the way they were... that this break, however long term, was just that, a break. This, of course, got me thinking and as always I end up here.

When you think about it, we all have that someone that got away, that person that slipped through our fingers. I can think of a few people off the top of my head... a few infatuations that were products of my initial adolescent hormonal fluxuations (or a crush as you may call it). actually pretty much every girl I've come in contact with that I've had even the slightest interest in, but never pursued. Come to think of it, It's been a while since I've felt rather strong about someone to make me want them back. You treasure the time you spent together, but that's enough for me. I still think about them, and consider what if. But I've accepted what's happened, and have moved on. Although I'm not exactly sure to what it is I have move on to. Perhaps this is the reason for my perpetual lonliness. I let all the good ones get away, and now I'm left with nothing but me... isnt that comforting?

Now I've said this before, and I'll say it again... I'm a firm believe in fate, although only to a certain extent. I do believe that our futures are somewhat etched in the fabric of time, but not in stone. There are certain forces that push and pull us in a certain direction... but as we're experiencing this cosmic tug-of-war, we are ultimately governed by the choices that we make with what is thrown our way. Now in a way, I might be contradicting myself, but this wouldnt be he first time.

So anyway, as I was saying... do we go with the flow of life, accept our destiny, and if it's meant to be, either let the person eventually come back to us, or move on with their lives? Or do we go out in opposition and make the choice to regain what was once ours.? The person we loved 2 years ago, or a year ago, or even six months ago is not usually the person they are today. People, although it doesnt usually show on the surface, deep down are marred by change. It's the natural evolution of one's self to grow with their experiences and adapt to their surroundings. When people are together, they eventually grow together, sharing similar experiences, learning and adapting together, and being able to relate to what they have experienced. But apart, they grow in separate directions, and people find it hard to understand. Kind of like an inside joke, or basketweaving. Of course, I'm not ruling out the possibility of what you could call a reconciliation. Maybe what didnt work out back then, can now work out because of growth. I'll use my friend dicky as an example. He was dating his girlfriend for about a year. And then after a few spats, and one very big fight, their relationship dissolved. And after about 5 to 6 months, out of the blue, actually in attempt to play a joke on yours truly, they got back together and have been so for about a year now. It's kind of funny how things work out. It's all very complicated, I know, but think about it, and it'll make sense eventually.

So back to my friend, and all you other confused individuals out there. I can offer you few words of advice. Accept what has happened, and get on with your life. It could be all for the best. It's amazing how the slightest inconsequential event can alter the entire space-time continuum. Or, don't take things lying down and do something about it. The important thing is not to regret the choices we make in life. To look back a hundred years from now and say "what if." Its not right and I like to do the cha cha like a sissy girl... I like ah do da cha cha.

I'm sorry, did this all have a point? I gotta get to bed


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