Friday, June 18, 2004

Sibling Rivalry

Sorry folks, but between work and more work, I havent had a chance to bring you any compelling thoughts or stories. Hopefully, come this weekend, I'll have a few little entertaining tidbits to share.

On a side note, yesterday, Ashlee Simpson, Jessica's younger and less "popish" sister came up to the station (She's punk, BLAAAH!!) And of course, yours truly had to record her for reality radio. Now as you may or may not know, she has a new reality series on mtv following her sister's, so she was surrounded by an entourage of people, including a camera. Now after spending 30 minutes with her yesterday, I can only imagine what the actual show is like. Thank god for the power of editing. I guess I'll have to set the tivo to witness the magic. Now once I can figure out how to post a picture on this thing that will actually show up, I'll give you a glimpse. I'm currently accepting offers for picture hosting :-)

On the other side note, for some reason, perhaps out of true boredom (I was at work) I decided to watch "From Justing to Kelly" on tv. There are several things wrong with that statement. First of all, it should be a crime to subject humans to that movie. It should be outlawed in the US, and used only as a form of torture... like a form of communist propaganda. Secondly, I cant believe I actually sat and watched it. It was more like a train wreck than anything else. I wanted to turn it off, I really did. But the horror was just so captivating. I mean all the elements were there... a boy and a girl, a misunderstanding, a little humor, and random song and dance sequences. What more could you ask for? Acting? I just dont know where it was lacking. Maybe I'll just have to watch it again. Now, where's that gun of mine....

Rock and roll, girl power!


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