Thursday, August 05, 2004

All I Wanna Do

Well, I'm back... After a nice long vacation, I decided to brave heavy eyelids tuesday night and reluctantly return home. It really sucked. I mean would you really want to leave this...

As usual, I held on to the very last second. I've been staying an extra day for the past couple of years, usually to hang out with a "friend" But this year, I just stayed a little longer than everyone else because I really didnt want to go home. I could have driven wednesday morning right to work, going from extreme relaxation to work. So I opted for my own bed tuesday night.

Now, I dont quite know how to describe my week. It just one of those experiences that you have to be involved in, one that stands on its own. and some things are just really hard to understand unless you're there. And I'd like to say we did all sorts of things, but I really dont think we did. Each day followed a simple formula with slight variation. Get up, swim, make some sort of large breakfast to feed 8+ people, do crossword puzzles and play a game or two, go out on the lake some more, go into town get some beer, come back make some elaborate dinner, and then drink until sleep. I really wish I could go back. It felt like I was there for at least 3 weeks, leaving me in a state of disorientation when I returned.... or maybe I can blame that on something else. Hmm

Song for the moment: Firehouse - "Love of a Lifetime"


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