Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Carefully contemplating

a response to this (see below)

All this is in response to this

No offense

The rain has let up today, thankfully; I thought there was a monsoon or something yesterday the way it was coming down. Silly me, I didn't check the forecast and wore open-toed shoes. It's just overcast right now, which matches my mood rather nicely.

Earlier, I was perusing the usual blogs and I caught a glimpse of an article on Christian's from last week, which I did already post a comment on. You know, looking back, I really wish we hadn't gone to Matt's BBQ; it was really more trouble than it was worth. I don't think the effort we put forth to be there was appreciated at all, especially by Christian because he believes that everyone's personal lives should be just as pathetic as his. I know he's just jealous, but it hurts when someone you think is a good friend publishes snide comments about you on his website and then acts like it's a big joke.

We squeezed Jerry's move into 6 days so we would be back in time for the festivities; we really could have used that time to relax and take it easy with the trip and maybe we wouldn't have been so exhausted and stressed. I'm certain it would have made my transition back to work that much easier, and maybe I wouldn't feel so rundown right now. We drove from Sacramento to Reno til 4am, got the truck and packed it a few hours later, drove cross-country 10-13 hours a day for 6 days, unpacked the whole day before Matt's, and then had to get up to drive again in the morning to make it down there by 2, which due to traffic and exhaustion ended up being more like 4. Somewhere in there I made a chocolate trifle and bought margaritas to bring with us. I was just looking forward to seeing my friends, and I thought everything had gone well, only to read this a few days later. I guess that's what hurt the most.

I feel guilty not just for dragging Jerry down there with me, but because I was such a wet blanket at his family's party the next day and it's not even like it was because we had that good a time the day before.

Really, it just reminds me of all the stupid baby shit at UMD that made me glad I left there when I did. As for this particular incident, we were never part of any breakfast plans; I told Matt when he originally asked 3 weeks ago that we couldn't go to IHOP. On that morning, Jerry deferred to me out of courtesy because they are my friends, but he didn't want to go either because his family's BBQ was starting at noon and we were already going to be late. And really, the only reason they wanted to go to IHOP early was because the kids woke them up and there was no chance of them getting back to sleep; trust me, it wasn't planned.

I'm reminded of the most recent time we made plans, before the BBQ. Matt was trying to get together with us in Delaware, and Christian wouldn't respond for a week because he didn't feel like driving all the way down there. In the end he did of course, and was late, but he only did it because he's too much of a pussy to say no; he knew he was being a jerkoff.

And he has the nerve to call me selfish and self-centered. Talk about "people in glass houses". Man, I need some real friends.


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