Thursday, July 08, 2004

Auto Response from SorgY24

So I'm sitting here bored, as I usually am, staring at my buddy list. I find it amazing how many people are on my "buddy list" that I dont actually talk to... that I havent spoken to in years. For the most part, I have it separated into several categories. There's my main buddies category. This is pretty much everyone I talk to, with a few rogues that I just like to see whether or not they're online. Then I have my work list... self explanatory. There are people I went to school with, from roommates, to close friends, to people I took one class with and used IM as a form of communication. There are people from high school who I somehow gained their IM in that first year out of high school where we all promised we would stay in touch. Then there's that group of people who I have no clue who the hell they are, but for some reason I just leave them there like someday it'll come to me why they're on my list, even if it's for the most random reason. Now since I have gone the way of the mac, I use ichat, which shows me everyone listed alphabetically, not by group. So I look at this list everyday of people that I havent spoken with in years. Some are tucked away, but for the most part, you get the idea.

It's just weird... I was reading Chau's blog and she brings up and interesting point, or request I should say. She says she doesnt want people reading her blog who she hasnt spoken to in a month. Her personal thoughts are only reserved for "friends" Now I think there are different degrees of friends. And as far as I'm concerned, if I'm writing this shit online, I dont care who reads it. But a few people have actually mentioned to me that they're reading this thing, a few people I wouldnt have expected. A few people i havent talked to in years. I guess this is a good way to catch up, see what others are up to without having to talk to them. Honestly, you'll probably get more out of me here than in an IM conversation or a phone call. But since I put the link in my profile, I know there are others out there reading this. Hell, I do it all the time, we all do it. We get bored, and we read people's away messages and their profiles. Yes, we're all guilty. We even follow the links they provide us with.

I wonder why it usually comes to this. Is it my fault I dont speak with these people anymore? Is it their fault? Or is it just the natural course of time working its way through the relationship. I actually once plotted out the natural course of a college to post college relationship. When you work with someone on a daily basis, you see them every day. You eventually make the step to realize this is a person you want to talk to or hang with outside of the work environment. Since you're kind of thrown together, it's like you grow on each other. So once you get to the point where you dont see each other anymore, it's almost like out of sight, out of mind. First, it's a phone call once a week, then once a month. Then it's sporadic. Before you know it, you just have IM conversations, granted the other person has IM. Eventually, IM doesnt even come into the picture... now it's just e-mail. You e-mail a funny thing now and then... then it just becomes an e-mail synopsis of your life. Eventually, those become sporadic as well. Every now and then you'll call the person to say hi, see what they're up to. It'll be awkward at first, you'll question why they are calling you, you thought you were just e-mailing each other. So the phone calls as a result will become less frequent. Then the e-mails start slowing down. Out of sight, out of mind, remember. And then a year goes by, and you're looking through some old e-mails, and you see an old e-mail from them, and reminisce. It's up to you where it goes from here. Sometimes you send and e-mail, or sometimes you just let it go and move on. This is all very sad, but some of you know exactly what I'm talking about.

I try my best to keep in touch with people. Send an e-mail, an phone call every now and then, but it's not always easy. Everyone is busy, everyone has their own agenda. Even on IM, everyone cant always talk. But I always see certain people there, people I once talked to all the time, who now are just another name on my buddy list. I look at the names and always wonder what's stopping me from saying hi. Asking how they've been.... what they've been up to. Maybe one day, I'll just go up and down my list and say hi. I'm sure the people will be like "who the hell is this" at first. Then I'll be like, remember, I interned with you for 3 months at mtv, or we used to work together at old navy 5 years ago, or hey, it's been a while since high school, please sum up the last 6 years of your life in 500 words or less.

But hey, if you do read this, feel free to drop me a line. Sure I might ignore you at first, but dont let it bother you. Remember, persistence is the key to annoyance. But annoyance will get you somewhere eventually. Or hell, if you dont feel like talking to me, leave a comment below.

I'm a tad setimental. Even if I havent talked to you, I like to know how you've been. How things have changed, or how they havent changed since our relationship was at it's prime. Dont be shy.

Song for the moment: Roxette - "Fading like a flower"


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