Wednesday, July 14, 2004


First of all, I apologize... I know it's been a few days since I've posted, and I know you're all on the edge of your seat waiting for the next tale I have to entice and entertain. Well, you'll have to wait a little longer, because in no way am I in an entertaining mood. By the way, I hope you can forgive me for my drunken posting. Yes, drunken posting... kind of like drunken text messaging, but taken to a much different level.

So anyway, here's a little story I thought was interesting. I have an aloe plant. I've had it for about 6 years, ever since my freshman year of college. (it was a gift from a friend). So it started off in this little pot, with only a few aloe "stalks," if that's what you call them. Well, the green things that stick out. I held onto it because it was a gift. So I brought it home, and left it there. Now plants have a nasty habit of dying in my house. There's just something in the air that prevents plants from thriving... I think it's my brother. So this plant sat at home, in it's little pot, with an occasional watering from the family while I was at school. It stayed in this pot until about a year ago. When I removed it, it was all root. I'm not exactly sure where the dirt went, but it was mostly dirt. So I moved it into a bigger pot, and it grew some more. Then I had to move it into an even bigger pot. Well you get the idea, it's growing. I like taking care of it. It's very low maintenance, only requiring water about once a week.

So the other night I was sitting near the plant, since its in my tv room right behind the couch. As I sit there, I like to reach behind me and almost "pet" the plant. Disturbing yes, but if you've ever had an aloe plant, you would understand. It just feels cool, the long smooth stalks with the little sharp teeth along the side. Ok, forget I said that. So then I went to water it. As I was doing so, my mother made the comment, "You need to get yourself a pet... or a girlfriend." I laughed, a confused laugh, then sighed. If she only knew how right she was.

On a side note, "I love the 90's" debuted on VH1 this week. So funny, and something I'm sure all of you reading this can relate to and understand. And being as I do a 90's show, it's just even more cool. I was hoping they would take this step with the success of the previous 3. Also, if you ever get a chance, Best Week Ever on VH1 is one of the funniest shows out there. Perfect blend of sarcasm and mockery :-) Do check both out

Do You wanna get rocked?

Song for the moment: Tom Cochrane - "Life is a highway" (sorry, it's playing as I type)


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