Wednesday, July 07, 2004


I know it's wednesday, almost thursday, i know the weekend was two days ago, but lack of motivation has led me to neglect my blog. Perhaps as form of recuperation from this weekend. Granted, it was far from hectic, but still requires it own recovery period. Maybe from being "on" for the weekend, who knows.

Anyway, after filling in for my boss yet again on what was a surprisingly short day for the friday before a holiday weekend (having to do the commercials up until tuesday). I guess all that work was taken care of in the days before. Plus the people I get the work from left early themselves, so I can only do so much.

So I ventured home, attempting to wait until the right window where there wouldnt be a great deal of cars on the road. Luckily I dont think any of them were driving west away from the city, so it was just your average afternoon drive. So I arrived home and packed up some clothes, enough for a week, because I like to be prepared in case I mess myself, and I also like the option. After waiting until post rush hour, allowing for all the cars traveling south on the turnpike to slightly clear, I packed up the car, including the carrot cake and stuffed mushrooms I stayed up until 2 the night before to make, I took the 3 hour ride down to matty's house for the weekend, arriving around 11. After which, we took a brief run to the supermarket to pick up some last minute things for saturday's barbeque.

So saturday was quite the fun-filled, action-packed day. After waking around 10, a bit early for my tastes, it was time to being preparations for the day, as Eli and company would be arriving shortly. So just as I was mixing the meat ;-), eli, lauren, and their 2 kids arrived. No eli was part of the clan from freshman year at UMD, and only for that year, as our clan slowly dissolved as the years went on. Eli and I used to enjoy watching the movie Hackers and then traveling around campus looking for ways to apply what we learned. When I think of Eli, and interesting story always comes to mind, since he is quite the interesting character. That's why it's so fun to have him around. Of course, Eli is now married, and has been for a couple of years now. He also has 2 kids... a 2 year old and 6-month old. Kind of scary... but they are so adorable, and rather well behaved.

So after they arrived, and after we had a spot of lunch, maybe it's me, but I feel like I spent the better part of the afternoon preparing for dinner. I felt like the woman (no offense). Don't get me wrong, I Iove to cook, depsite the fact that I feel no one appreciates my cooking. I made a damn good carrot cake... all you people suck for not trying it. But you'll eat layered poop (no offense michelle, it was good). So yeah, soon enough chip and his girlfriend arrived, and then eventually michelle and jerry arrived as well. We were all there, how exciting.

So we all ate after chip cooked the stuff on the grill, leaving us a couple of hours to kill. Oh boy. Chip and his girl left, we believe at the threat that the fireworks we would be attending would be costing $17 per person. I hate people who are overly thrifty... it's one thing if you dont have money. I mean, come on.

So anyway, after killing 2 hours, mostly by looking at old pictures on my computer, which people seemed to be really passionate about, and freaking out when I chose not to show them pictures that didnt pertain to them at all, we drove to see some fireworks. (Some people are so sensitive) Granted it was july 3rd, but we went anyway for lack of a better thing. So yeah, after waiting over an hour in a field, they started, and then stopped, and that's about it. Nothing too spectacular. Finally, threw the kids in the car, all of them, and we returned to matty's house, and sat there not knowing what to do with ourselves. After dessert, we made an attempt at trying to have some fun. That's when Eli broke out "Guess Who" Yes, the childrens game. And that's how we spent our evening, playing guess who. (and not to gloat, but I kicked everyone's ass - what can I say, I thrive at children's activities. After that, most retired to bed, while matt, eli and myself sat on the couch, as lauren looked on, and we whistled for the rest of the night. Yes, whistled. Why, I dont know, but that's what we did.

So the following morning came, and oh what a morning it was, a morning not of happiness, but of frustration. Now this morning, I woke even more ungodly early than usual. I think it was before 9, but I cant remember. Matt was sleeping on the floor since his room was tied up with the Taylor's. After he banged himself into the bed frame, I woke abruptly. So, in attempt to move the day along, and include everyone since Jerry and Michelle had insisted on leaving around 11, we thought since we were up so early, we could probably get everyone out for a traditional IHOP breakfast before departure. So we knocked on the door to their room, and after some rustling, jerry emerged. We presented the option. He said he had to clear it with michelle. A minute or 2 went by... he reermged stating that they wouldnt be accompanying us to breakfast, but would get ready and leave when we did. So after taking a quick shower, hoping that would move things along, we were all eventually ready no later than 10. Except of course for michelle. I'm sorry michelle, but I dont want to ever hear about me taking a long time to get ready from you ever again. I dont know what you were doing up there, but you sure took your sweet ass time.... so come 11:30, when michelle finally decided to make her way downstairs (well past her planned leaving time, and WELL past the time we had hoped to leave for breakfast) we all made our way outside and said our goodbyes with smiles on our faces. And let's just leave it at that (selfish).

The rest of the day went pretty smoothly... Eli and company decided they wanted to leave shortly after breakfast, since we were a little short on time (self-centered). At breakfast, I almost felt what it was like to have children... kind of cool showing off some cute kids, but at the same time scary. I think a lot needs to change in my life before I ever consider children. Perhaps some maturing is in order.

So yeah, the rest of the weekend I felt was spent eating. I think all we did for the rest of the day was sit on the couch and eat. Hey, it's my vacation, why should I spend it any differently the the rest of the year. At night, we went to see a more spectacular fireworks display than the previous night, just for something to do. And then we retreated to matts and lit sparklers for the remainder of the evening while we once again raided the fridge.

And finally, we come to the last day.... Matt actually woke early to wash my car. I think it was keeping him up at nights. My car has not been washed in years, I like it that way. I know it was sometime during college, I actually think he made me do it then as well. But I like the dirt... The thick coating of dirt, while protective in some sense, also adds character, along with my white front end. Which, as you'll find out, both were taken away from me. So yeah, after he powerwashed it, he decided we should paint my front end, which has been white since I rear ended a jeep suv on the way home for thanksgiving my sophmore year of college, mere months after I got the car... so for a majority of my ownership, it has been that way. So after 3 round trips to the auto parts store, we painted it, or rather matt painted it. But I must say, the color, or the color combination due to a lack of 2 cans of the same color paint, actually matched the color quite nicely. So my car is uniform in color now, it has lost its unique quality, it's not longer ghetto, at least by just looking at it.

So the evening panned out with a visit to a restaurant for some all-you-can-eat baby back ribs after a pop in from jeff and lisa. We returned, I packed, and made my way home around 11.

That's life, that's what I do.

I need help

(by the way, I've noticed that a few people do this on their blog, whether it's a part of their template or not. I figured since I work in radio, why not...)

Song for the moment: Tears for Fears - "Shout"


Blogger Christian said...

Some people are so touchy :-p

Love ya michelle :-)

4:20 PM  

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