Thursday, November 25, 2004

Feliz el Dia de Gracias

Ok, first off, I have to admit that I backdated this... just seems awkward to have a thanksgiving post on a day besides thanksgiving.... the days were just too busy to sit down and get out the thoughts.

So yeah, Happy Thanksgiving! I know that my posts are often ridden with complaints and self doubt and pity, but it's times like this where you step back and realize and truly thankful I am for the things around me. I'm thankful for my family, my friends, my health, etc. I know things arent always easy, but that's life, and it's those around me that make it what it is, allowing us all to help each other through it. Where am I going with this you ask? I dont exactly know, but you get the idea. It's a day of giving thanks, so give some thanks.

On a couple of side notes.... I did see The Polar Express on tuesday night, however, I got the chance to see it in IMAX 3D, yes 3D, complete with the glasses, although they've somewhat evolved from the red and blue specs we remember from our childhood. Regardless, although a children's movie, so amazing in 3d. It just pulls you into the movie and makes you forget there's anything around you. Not to mention the story reminded me that Christmas is just around the corner, and how much I love this holiday. I felt all warm and fuzzy after leaving the movie, and it was above the waist this time. Afterwards, Dana and I ended up at the infamous Peculiar Pub (always a bar open on bleecker) and discovered a wonderful new drink called the razzamatazz... Cherry Liquor, Bud Light, and what I think was lemonade. You don't taste the alcohol at all.... very dangerous. Dana and I also discovered that Gray's Papaya, no matter how good you feel going into the place, makes you drunk as you're leaving. Perhaps some catalyst between the lips and asses and the alcohol. I believe a study is due to take place in the future.

And after working 12 hour day on wednesday, a 4 day weekend was welcomed with open arms, eased by the effects of triptophan and family get togethers.

Oh, and last night... I mean this coming weekend I will make a... ok, I made a trip to brooklyn to visit some friends, and realized how scary is the knowledge I possess in my head about movie culture. Sue me if I know Sam Mendes directed American Beauty. Scene It is a great game, and I have been dubbed a savant.

And to that, I officially ring in the holiday season.


Thursday, November 18, 2004

Oh Boy

this is an audio post - click to play

Meet kristin... unfortunately, a long story, and one I dont feel like getting into. You know my penchant for extremely long posts, and such is the case. Let's see how I can keep this to a minimum. I met kristin about 8 years ago on my first trip to Long Lake. She was friends with katy, whom was my friend. Some would call it fate that we met, others would call it punishment from god. Kristin's not like your average girl, and if she is, I quit. I knew, even back then, there was trouble ahead. Being the overweight child I was, I had a lot of crushes, and kristin was no exception, but in my mind, she was attainable. So I persisted, and stuck it out. Somewhere in the next couple of years, katy fell out of the picture, and kristin and I became friends directly. We would talk on the phone occasionally, her doing most of the talking, and most of the talking being about herself, something she loves to do. Sometimes I would even stay an extra day on vacation to just hang out with her after everyone had left. I know... But I kept getting sucked in. There's just something about her, I'm never able to put my finger on it, there's just something there. It's like the kevorka. She has this power, and as much as I try to get away, I can't. So all throughout college we kept in touch. During her semester in paris (which she'll be more than willing to talk to you about) we kept in touch. And all this after only seeing each other for a couple of days out of the year. Recently, she moved down to the new york area to nanny for a family and then after that she moved to queens to attend grad school. Now I like this girl, or at least liked her. We do things like a couple, whenever we're together, I feel like we're a couple. She always makes references like we're a couple. She even tries to hold my hand. None of my other female friends hold my hand. Yet, she wont enter a relationship. This is the thing that has killed me for several years. We did actually kiss once, but that was only after a pseudo engagement in montreal. It was a mini play we acted out throughout the day. Dont worry, we never got married, we were just idiots. Now, she has a boyfriend, which is a laugh in itself. I think they rarely see each other, yet she still has the boyfriend. So recently I've come to the realization that I'm better off without her and only look to her because it's the closest thing I have to relationship, and the closest thing I've had in a very long time. She's a cock tease, and I dont need that. And no matter how many times I've been told that, I had to come to that realization myself. I can stay her friend, I'm content with that. I'm in my happy place. But these are the kind of things I have to deal with.

Get my off this crazy thing called life

Friday, November 12, 2004

Mmm Mmm Good

It's cold and rainy out, just thought this might warm you up a little. Took this sometime on the halloween weekend. The soup was just sitting on the table, hot and steamy, and the sun hit it just right. Just thought it looked cool, but yeah, here ya go. And remember, nothing lasts forever, even cold november rain


Thursday, November 11, 2004

and the infinite sadness

I was never really amazing at something. You know, there's always that person you look at and are like, "wow, they can really..." And I do mean your average everyday person. Maybe it's just the things that I wish I could do, that I've attempted, but miserably failed, or only achieved half ass. Like I know people who play the guitar and sing beautifully, I know people who can draw perfectly without any effort, I know people who can play the piano like it's second nature. Granted, I know all these things were learned, although there's a bit of innate talent involved there, talent which I envy (ooh, deadly sin)

Perhaps in my meloncholy, I'm feeling as if I'm mediocre, like I need something new and exciting in my life to inject a little spice, a little excitement. It's probably that the grass just seems greener, but I wont know until I've climbed the fence, and by then, it's just too late to go back. As guess I will continue to search for what drives me, what excites me, but until then, I'll settle for what I've got

Thursday, November 04, 2004


Just a little fallness to brighten up a gloomy day (courtesy of yours truly)...


Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Indecision 2004

I'm gonna get myself connected... I aint gonna go blind from the light that is reflected. I have no clue what that has to do with anything, just felt like saying it.

So, we've reelected President George W Bush to another term. I refuse to get political, it's not my style. But I will say this, I'm pleased with the outcome. First of all, people came out in record numbers which in itself is a stellar achievement! Looks like all the rock the vote/vote or die campaigns actually served their purpose, campaigns I appreciate moreso than the Vote for change tours. It reminds me of Mets fans who rooted for the redsox simply because they hate the yankees. Yes, I'm likening democrats to mets fans. So many people voted for Kerry because they hated Bush, not because they felt Kerry would make a satisfactory leader. Something is very wrong there. Now just wasn't the time for a shift of power, and I'm sure many people agree, and the country has spoken, and with a little more confidence than 4 years ago, thank god. And now our beloved democrats, at least from the reactions I have seen, are acting like this is the end of the world. Relax people, it wont be that bad. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.

Now I will also say this, I had nothing against Kerry. I believe he is a very intelligent man, a little long-winded and a little too eager to throw around his exemplary war record, and I think that he would have made a good leader. I would have been ok with a little change, but hey, c'est la vie!

Anyway, enough of that, this weekend was the much anticipated halloween weekend, although a little more anticipated then it should have been. It was fun on the whole, a little awkward at times, especially when I was forced to play the role of the 7th wheel. It's that couples thing I talked about not too long ago. I thought I could handle it, but it just got the best of me a couple of times. All in all, I did have fun though at our house in the woods. We went shopping at the outlets, made food, and watched scary movies. Who could ask for more? ;-)
