Thursday, November 25, 2004

Feliz el Dia de Gracias

Ok, first off, I have to admit that I backdated this... just seems awkward to have a thanksgiving post on a day besides thanksgiving.... the days were just too busy to sit down and get out the thoughts.

So yeah, Happy Thanksgiving! I know that my posts are often ridden with complaints and self doubt and pity, but it's times like this where you step back and realize and truly thankful I am for the things around me. I'm thankful for my family, my friends, my health, etc. I know things arent always easy, but that's life, and it's those around me that make it what it is, allowing us all to help each other through it. Where am I going with this you ask? I dont exactly know, but you get the idea. It's a day of giving thanks, so give some thanks.

On a couple of side notes.... I did see The Polar Express on tuesday night, however, I got the chance to see it in IMAX 3D, yes 3D, complete with the glasses, although they've somewhat evolved from the red and blue specs we remember from our childhood. Regardless, although a children's movie, so amazing in 3d. It just pulls you into the movie and makes you forget there's anything around you. Not to mention the story reminded me that Christmas is just around the corner, and how much I love this holiday. I felt all warm and fuzzy after leaving the movie, and it was above the waist this time. Afterwards, Dana and I ended up at the infamous Peculiar Pub (always a bar open on bleecker) and discovered a wonderful new drink called the razzamatazz... Cherry Liquor, Bud Light, and what I think was lemonade. You don't taste the alcohol at all.... very dangerous. Dana and I also discovered that Gray's Papaya, no matter how good you feel going into the place, makes you drunk as you're leaving. Perhaps some catalyst between the lips and asses and the alcohol. I believe a study is due to take place in the future.

And after working 12 hour day on wednesday, a 4 day weekend was welcomed with open arms, eased by the effects of triptophan and family get togethers.

Oh, and last night... I mean this coming weekend I will make a... ok, I made a trip to brooklyn to visit some friends, and realized how scary is the knowledge I possess in my head about movie culture. Sue me if I know Sam Mendes directed American Beauty. Scene It is a great game, and I have been dubbed a savant.

And to that, I officially ring in the holiday season.



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