Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Indecision 2004

I'm gonna get myself connected... I aint gonna go blind from the light that is reflected. I have no clue what that has to do with anything, just felt like saying it.

So, we've reelected President George W Bush to another term. I refuse to get political, it's not my style. But I will say this, I'm pleased with the outcome. First of all, people came out in record numbers which in itself is a stellar achievement! Looks like all the rock the vote/vote or die campaigns actually served their purpose, campaigns I appreciate moreso than the Vote for change tours. It reminds me of Mets fans who rooted for the redsox simply because they hate the yankees. Yes, I'm likening democrats to mets fans. So many people voted for Kerry because they hated Bush, not because they felt Kerry would make a satisfactory leader. Something is very wrong there. Now just wasn't the time for a shift of power, and I'm sure many people agree, and the country has spoken, and with a little more confidence than 4 years ago, thank god. And now our beloved democrats, at least from the reactions I have seen, are acting like this is the end of the world. Relax people, it wont be that bad. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.

Now I will also say this, I had nothing against Kerry. I believe he is a very intelligent man, a little long-winded and a little too eager to throw around his exemplary war record, and I think that he would have made a good leader. I would have been ok with a little change, but hey, c'est la vie!

Anyway, enough of that, this weekend was the much anticipated halloween weekend, although a little more anticipated then it should have been. It was fun on the whole, a little awkward at times, especially when I was forced to play the role of the 7th wheel. It's that couples thing I talked about not too long ago. I thought I could handle it, but it just got the best of me a couple of times. All in all, I did have fun though at our house in the woods. We went shopping at the outlets, made food, and watched scary movies. Who could ask for more? ;-)



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