Saturday, December 25, 2004

The Christmas Song

Yes, it's that time of year, it's Christmas. Honestly, my favorite holiday, as I'm sure it is for everyone else, except of course my jewish friend. It's just so festive and pretty. Lot's of food, fun, family, and presents (even though it's the season for giving). Merry Christmas everyone... apparently I'm not allowed to say happy holidays, or so says my priest, but you know us catholics.

I'm working all day today, which means no spending time at the relatives house. Something I'll miss, but I can live with... my immediate family doesnt usually celebrate christmas on christmas day anyway. It just never works out for anyones schedule. We usually roll out of bed, get ready, and go to the relatives house. Everyone usually separates and we never can get together. So we pick a day shortly after christmas to exchange and have our own christmas celebration. It's actually kind of nice, how it should be. Plus the extra shopping days help.

But to all, have a merry christmas :-)


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