Friday, January 21, 2005

Blog unto others

Last night I had the good fortune of once again working the overnight at work. Actually, there's no sarcasm in that at all. I work 3 hours, get paid very well for the amount of work I put into it, and there's not one other person in the station, resting the entire radio station in my hands. Very empowering.... anyway, as I was sitting there, striving to keep myself asleep, I decided to flip though the old posts on my blog. It is a very rare occasion that I go back and reread the things that I've written, if you can even call it an occasion at all. And you could also say that reading my blog is not necessarily the best thing to read to keep oneself awake. But I looked back and started reading... and reading and reading. I started in June, and even though it's only a half a year away, it's interesting to see the thoughts that permeated my mind. Some still linger, some have changed, some were just plain idiotic. But I must say, I was rather entertained. Although I've always told myself, I'm the only person who understands me, so who better to entertain me than me. And I've always said that these blogs are written for noone, they're just a stream of consciousness and this is the forum to lay them upon, but I know there are others out there reading my rants, others who I appreciate, and I hope that you find me as entertaining, at least in the slightest bit, as I find myself.

Now, as I mentioned, last night I was doing the overnight, and since I had been at work since 10:30am, I decided to nap a little at work before I went on at 1. Just before one, I received a call, which was kind of a blessing and a curse. A blessing, because it woke me up, and at just the right time, although niko was on call in case I didnt show. But a curse because of the crazy girl I spoke of in my previous post who was on the other end of the call. By the way, on a side note, the audio evidence of my phone call has been deleted. Bastards!! Trust me, you would have loved it. Anyway, so I wake up, for a second unsure of where I am, seeing as I was passed out on the couch in someone's office. I answer the phone, and it's the crazy girl. I'm trying to gather myself, and she's asking me these questions, including why I keep handing the phone to random people when she calls. Usually it's a product of alcohol, mostly it's for avoidance. But then I get the line, "I think I'm gonna stop calling you, you seem like you don't want to talk to me anymore." I play dumb... the jury's still out on that subject. Like I've said, this girl is crazy, but it's like watching a train wreck. You want to turn away, but can't. I'd be more than happy to let her go, but there's something intriguing and playful about continuing the encounters. I think it's my move, and the queen's exposed. Sorry, never one on chess metaphors, just seemed to work. But yeah, don't know what I'll do next. I'm in cockblock mode with this other girl I'm waiting on, perhaps which I'll explain in a minute. Maybe I'll use this opportunity to satisfy a few urges. Ok, this is getting to personal and too incrimintating... Time to move on.

So yeah, now for the other girl, the one who expressed interest in yours truly. A couple of weeks went by, and still no number. So finally, at the pressure of some friends, decided to press the issue. SO I ran into my coworker the other day, I was out the door after another overnight, and he was on his way in. So in my ill-rested stupor, I decided to ask. His response, in a nutshell, "I'll give it to ya, but I want to talk to her first. She was pretty drunk at the party and probably doesnt remember talking to you. SO let me talk to her and get back to you if she's still interested." Now this brings up a few things... first of all, major blow to my ego. I was all hyped up about getting the number, having a girl being interested, and then *pop* it was just a product of alcohol. So I asked around, including those present at the party, and she wasn't that drunk, I know I was coherent. Apparently, my coworker is just pulling a cockblock. UGH! At least I hope that's the explanation. At least after his comment, I had the sense to still get the number, and the condition that I wouldnt call until they spoke. So I do have the number, but have yet to call. I figured I wait, but after thinking it through, I dont know how much longer that wait will be. I just hope he's not on his end telling this girl I'm not interested, that's why I havent called.

I'm accepting repsonses and advice to those who have some to give...

I swear, I get no respect! No respect!


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