Thursday, January 13, 2005


So I have nothing particularly interesting to discuss, but yet I somehow felt the need to blog today, to web log my thoughts. The past 8 days have been rather interesting, although my mind is still taking the time to process those events. Well, as you listened to below, last wednesday was our holiday party. An interesting office event, taking place at some random bar/lounge in the city, with people I work with, and of course many I don't even recognize, and that goes for the people i do work with, and not just their significant others. So yeah, at the party was the pickup. I assure you it's not as bad as it sounds in the discussion. She was the friend of the dude who brought her, my coworker, and we were all kind of in a group talking. And I have witnesses to attest to that. Now perhaps alcohol may have eased situations with both parties, but I thought nothing of it. And receiving the call from the guy about an hour after he left was the last thing I ever expected. This kind of thing never happens to me, never. Perhaps it was a result of the weight loss and the cute outfit (complimented many times I might add) that I was wearing that both worked in my favor. Or perhaps I'm more charming than I let on. But yeah, she seemed like a great girl, the kind of girl I wouldnt mind getting to know, so we'll see where it goes from here. But I still don't have the number. I feel kind of bad pressing the issue to my coworker. This is his "hopeless childhood friend crush" as I like to call it, having experienced it first hand. But then again, spotty needs a date. It's been a long time since spotty has had a date. So cut me some friggin slack! I'll have it before the week is out. I dont want her to seem as if I'm disinterested, since I am apparently the one that has to make the first move. I just hope I'm not being set up for some nasty phone tap. Ya never know in this place.

But yeah, holiday party, nothing like being drunk by 8 on a weeknight and stumbling back home. Now, moving on, I debate mentioning the next person I've come in contact with, but I kind of have to. I was running the overnight on saturday and found this random chick on the phone. To make a long story short (too late) we got into these deep conversations of a hardcore sexual nature. Almost a bit much for me to handle. And then she was a little too naughty on the phone, and I have the audio to prove it. So ever since, she's been calling me, usually drunk, seeking some type of sexual gratification. I dont understand, why do these things happen to me? Is it that I'm too nice, indulging people because I feel bad saying no? Or do I just have the word sucker tatooed on my forehead? Perhaps it's the latter, damn this trick mirror! So I'll have to deal with this situation now. Perhaps I'll take advantage of it, although I'm not really the type of person to take advantage of that kind of situation. But we all have our evil/dirty sides. Not to mention, I think my brain is about to lose the chess match against his arch nemesis. You know, that other guy with the head.

This past tuesday was also an interesting day. As I've explained in the past, it was tuesday night movie night, and yes, we did see a movie, and an early one at that. We saw white noise at the rialto, this really tiny theater in the town next to mine, actually featured in the opening credits of Ed. Anyway, the movie was just a little freaky. It had its jumpy moments, and definitely its bizzare moments, but I don't know what to exactly think of it. Basically they take the genuine phenomenon of EVP and build on it to make it scary. I dont know, I've always been a fan of Michael Keaton, so it wasnt a total bust. I did get hopped on a starbucks white chocolate mocha to add to the jumpy effect, let my eyes dart around the screen, even during the dialogue. And I realized I'm getting old, because I was yelling at the high school kids for being to loud. Sue me for wanting an enjoyable movie experience. Of course, I could mention that the movie was too big for the screen, spilling over onto the curtain border, but I think we'll let that slide. That's what you get for $5. We then adjourned to the Magic Grill for some chinese food, of course, do it yourself, mongolian style. I felt bad because we were the only ones in there, and it was about 2 minutes before closing, but they let us in anyway. And finally, we adjourned yet again to fridays, to drink our asses off. Now we arrived at fridays at 10:30, and stayed until 2. And drank every minute of those 3 1/2 hours. Very bad. I'm surprised I made it home, but it's amazing how liberal you get with your feelings when your drunk. I'm sure many can attest to this. But Dana and I had some touching moments that night.

Oh, to go back even further, friday night was the gift exchange between the friends. I think I might have gone a little overboard, but it's not about receiving, it's about giving, and I gave what I felt. I got held up at work, so arrived a little late, and everyone had eaten and commenced drinking, among other things, so I was behind, yet this night chose not to catch up. So after the exchange, and a rousing game of SceneIt! (of which I got for dana) we parted about 4:30 in the morning. Dana and I debated over who would take katy home since she was without car (how convenient), I lost since dana had to work early the next morning (aka in a few hours) So somewhere along the highway, katy decides she's gonna not pay attention to anything her body tells her, and just out of the blue vomit. Yes, in my car. and without warning. It's not like she said something, and I made a poor, but valiant attempt to make it to the side of a two lane highway. She was asleep, and just woke up and let er rip. Now what pisses me off is that I never received a proper aplogy. She blew it off as if she only did it on herself. Not of course realizing that she was wearing a seatbelt at the time, and after getting up to throw up again on the side of the highway this time, proceeded to let it get on the seat, on the seatbelt latch, a little on the floor, and undoubtedly, in the retraction area of the belt. So, after dropping her home, and fighting every urge to spew myself from the smell, I drove right home, windows completely down in the freezing weather, and then, at 5:30, when I should have been going to sleep, proceeded to scrub my car beyond belief. My new old car. I by the way thank dana for listening to me on the way home. WIth katy I was calmly angry. Dana received the brunt of the impact, the screaming and the cursing. Lots of fucks in there I remember, before and after every word I think. So yeah, smell still never properly came out, so I had to buy a renuzit, some febreeze and lysol wipes. I think it's starting to subside, but damn her. I'm still pissed about the reaction. If I did something like that, I'd be on my knees begging for forgiveness, and that of course was after I would have helped to clean it, even if I did turn down the offer numerous times. But not even an offer was given! And harry potter uno cards dont cut it. A bottle of febreeze, and air freshener, that's a token of apology for something like that. Can you tell it still bothers me?? Oh, by the way, she did this in my other car as well. Uh huh, yup. And if it's consoling, she's only ever thrown up in my car. Yeah, don't think so katy.

And on that note, I gotta go.

Guess I had more to say than I realized.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i really love spot.....and i just found this wonderful website and i love him even more now

kelly (baby)

11:36 PM  

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