Monday, January 03, 2005

Turn Back Time

Happy 2005 everyone! I'm not quite in a reflective mood, at least quite yet, so until then, no retrospective of 2004. It's most likely soon to come, but no reason to look back just yet. I could definitely go back for a look on this weekend, but we'll just leave it at that. I dont think I have the stomach just yet. I suppose I'm still digesting the events. Not that it was unenjoyable, I had a good time, but you never know, you can't please everybody...

Essentially it was a lot of walking around the city... now I have never claimed that I am an expert on all things NYC. I know where things are, and am always willing to explore. I know general areas and directions. I'm pretty handy at navigating the important subway lines, at least during on peak hours, and of course, I know the location of every path stop. Yes, there are still things that I have yet to see in that city, a few of which I actually saw this weekend, and even though I live nearby, it's one of those things you unfortunately often take for granted. So dont ask me to be your tour guide. Dont ask me for a good place to eat or to go for a drink. Sure, I've been to numerous places, some I remember, some I forget, some I'd like to forget, and of those, very few I return to. The city is a vast place filled with many a restaurant, to single one out is possible, so your guess is as good as mine. There are interesting and cool places I could take people, but it's not always their bag. Their loss. I know there's always a bar on bleecker, but that doesnt help if we steer clear of that area. But sometimes I dont mind being a tourist, wondering aimlessly in the touristy areas. Hey, I found a pretty good italian place out of aimless wandering, one that I will most likely return to. But you know what, dont look to me for answers when you refuse to give me a question.

And a conclusion that I've come to, I'm too immature for my friends. Explanation to follow. Anyway...

Today was somewhat of an eventful day though... my sister was sworn is as deputy mayor of my town, not a bad gig. She's been on the council, and is now stepping up to the role. I am rather proud, but I wouldnt expect anything less from a family member. It just once again proves that we own our town.


Blogger me said...

Happy New Year, Christian! One of my resolutions is to hang out with you when I'm in NYC.

9:04 PM  

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