Thursday, January 27, 2005

You like me, you really like me

I'm not exactly sure who it was, but the counter, which you can see by scrolling to the bottom of this page, has passed the 1000 mark. Now, I think about half of those are me, but to the rest of you, thanks for reading. It's nice to know people are interested in my mediocrity.

So it's time for the spothaniel week in review, which it appears that my blog has become. It seems that I can't get my thoughts in order until thursday, and I can't muster up the energy to blog until thursday, But yeah, here goes... so last night, I went to see the Lion King on broadway with my mommy, the last of the gifts I gave her for christmas. Granted, I did get the tickets for free from work, but I decided to make a night out of it as part of the package, plus she got the chance to spend a night out with her favorite son ;-) So since I had to work, I had to help her navigate her way to jersey city, something that is quite the feet for my mother, who I believe rode the path for the first time in her life yesterday. But with my mass transit expertise, she made it, and we made our way into the city. We decided to eat beforehand, ending up at this place I stumbled upon new years eve, after finding out carmine's had a 1 1/2 hour wait. It's amazing what happens when you walk a couple blocks away from times square. It's like a completely different world. So we saw the show, after avoiding a ticketing disaster. God bless the ticketing engineers at the new amsterdam theater. Now for the show, it was absolutely fantabulous. The story, of course, follows the story of the animated film. But what's that you say, how do they capture the magic of the film without the animals? Well, I thought you'd never ask... THat's the amazing part. Through the use of makeup and great costumes, it's almsot as if they were animals on stage. It's very easy to get caught up in the story. The sets were great too. I definitely recommend the show to anyone who has the opportunity to see it. Now, here's where my bad theater luck comes in. Now, I'm a tall man, with a giant head, so you think I wouldnt have a problem in this situation, but I always get stuck behind someone who sits perfectly upright who is just as tall, if not taller than me, and they perfectly obstruct my view. Usually, being the courteous individual that I am, despite the fact that my knees are compacted into the seats in front of me, I make every attempt to make my giant freak head as low as possible, because I know people paid to see the show, not the back of my ginormous melon. And what pissed me off about this dude, was that he didnt move AT ALL throughout the entire first act. That changed a bit when he started to doze off during the second act. I swear he didnt know where he was, or had no desire to be where he was. And in front of him was a perfectly unobstructed view. When I'm at a show or a movie, I like to take in the entire view completely, and any obstruction screws that up. Like when I went to see Mama Mia, 2 very large people were in front of me, and they were the extreme opposite of this dude last night. Not only could I not see past them, but they were obviously big ABBA fans, as they felt the need to dance (denoted by rocking back and forth in their chair) throughout the entire show. I tell ya, I cant win. So I implore you fellow theater goers... be a little courteous and increase your awareness of those around you. Thank you. But mom was nice enough to switch with me for the second act of the show, since she had actually seen the show once before, so i had a nice clear view for the finale of the show. After that, we made our way back to JC for a quick tour of the station, and then off home. All in all, it was an enjoyable evening. And I'm told that this is good material to impress the ladies, taking the mom out for the evening. I'll have to put it to the test at some point.

and of course, how can I pass up the blizzard of 2005. I love how it's already been coined the blizzard of 2005, only 22 days into 2005. I suppose we'll be adding a "part II" to the following storm, and each sequential number after that to the storms that follow. I'm hoping this is the last of the big ones for a while. Or at least my back hopes this is the last for a while. Let's just say that a majority of this past weekend was spent bundled up from head to toe, outside shoveling. Surprisingly, my brother was homebound all weekend as well. I didnt even think a storm like this could keep him down, but alas, it did. So I at least had his help. We decided to shovel on saturday, during the storm. I still have yet to figure out if our valiant efforts were in fact pointless or extremely helpful. Since it was indeed a blizzard, by the time we shoveled one area and were working on the next, the other area was covered. So there came a point on saturday when we gave up. So after being pummeled by about 18 inches of snow, perhaps less, on sunday it was time to shovel it all. Unfortunately, with so much snow, there's nowhere to put it. But I'd say we spent about 5+ hours on sunday shoveling my ENTIRE driveway. Now one thing you have to understand about my driveway. It's not your average driveway. It's definitely bigger in area than your average covenience store parking lot. It essentially wraps around my house, going to the back and connecting with the house next to me and back to the street. A "U" if you will. And seeing as my 89 year old grandmother is the occupant of the house next to me, the entire U is the responsibility of our household. SO yeah, lot's of shoveling. Oh yeah, plus the sidewalk, which picked up a lot of plowed snow, making it nice and heavy and hard. So immediately after the last shovel, I turned around and collapsed right into the snow. It was very refreshing. I still do love a great snow storm though. There's something about it. Something that evokes the child within. It's fun to play in, it's fun to watch, it's a bitch to shovel, but that's life. And Kaiser LOVES the snow. I have pictures, unfortunately taken with a disposable film camera due to my malfunctioning digital. So gotta get those developed at some point. I mean who develops pictures anymore? Oh, and my other brother got the good end of the deal. He was on a cruise the following week with my sister and some of their mutual friends, and of course due to fly back saturday. So about 20 minutes out of philly, the plane turned right back around and landed in NC. So they were stuck there until the following day. I bet ya they wish they could have stayed in florida, but oh well.

Oh, and finally, not that this is that big of a deal, well it kind of is, but since I was dressed up for the play yesterday, something I do quite infrequently for my lax work environment, I received a nice compliment from the boss man in the hallway. The boss man always intimidates me, although he's probably one of the most approachable people, it's just that authoritative position that gets to you. But yeah, it was nice to be noticed and complimented, although just the noticed part was plenty :-) Thanks TP

Ok, that should about do it.

UPDATE: (picture that dramatic yet upbeat Unsolved mysteries music that they would play after a story, usually showing a reunion or a capture) As I believe I said last week, I did get the number of the infamous girl. And as my patience got the better of me, I did call her today. Somewhere during a break of writing this post I believe. Interestingly enough, as I had to cover my ass, the issue of my coworker came up, and the fact that it wasn't that simple achieving her phone number, and in turn I found out they hadn't spoken in a while, a few weeks I believe was the time frame. Rather intriguing news. But I think I caught her a little off guard. We talked for a few minutes. She had to get back to work, but hopefully I'll receive a call sometime this weekend. She seemed interested, at least I hope she did. Well, if she does call, I guess I'll know the answer to that question. I'm such a total dork, but then you already knew that by now.

Back to drinking my fabulous homemade hot chocolate. Made with splenda, unsweetened cocoa, and skim milk. Tastes phenom, and so it can't be all that bad.


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