Sunday, June 27, 2004

As I Risk A Neck, a

So I was out for one of my usual late night walks this evening and something didnt seem quite right. First of all, let me say there's nothing quite refreshing than walking around the burbs after 11... even though the sounds of cars can be heard, there's somewhat of an eerie silence, especially passing the revolutionary war graveyard. Spooky

Anyway, as I was saying, something didnt seem right... there was almost a eerie tinge in the air. There was a chill and an aroma of burning wood or burning leaves permeating the stagnant summer atmosphere. Almost autumn-like. In the distance a child is crying... a bastard child perhaps. As I rounded the corner on my second stretch of road, I got this weird sensation that I had done that before. Granted I go walking on a slightly regular basis, although it has become a tad more sporadic these days due to circumstances beyond my control. And I do always take the same route, so of course it's almost routine in my mind. But there was something eerily familar about this particular stretch. A certain, as the french say, "I don't know what." Maybe it was my mind playing tricks on me, as it often does on dark stretches of road. I cant even count the amount of times I've taken double takes on a walk, especially when the heart gets pumping and the blood is flowing. Or maybe it was the refried beans that I had with dinner. I almost felt as if I wasnt really there at all, as if it were some sort of dream, or a massive hallucination. It certainly felt like I was there, but not completely. Perhaps I was in the zone... but how much of a zone can you get in by walking?

I like walking.... it allows me to think. Most people bring along a walkman when they walk or run, I just think. Tonight, I mostly thought about her. I did it again, it's all planned out. I always fall into that trap, again and again. It's been a while since I've been there, and I know I have to get myself out, but it's not that easy. But I know what I have to say, all scenarios have been taken care of. All that's left is execution. It's hopeless, but i have to do it. If not for me, than for the good of mankind. It'll all be over soon

So maybe I'm crazy. OOH.... on second thought, maybe it was the beans


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