Tuesday, August 17, 2004

And there ain't no more to say

I know no one cares, and why should they... I might care a little, well I suppose I should care even the slightest bit. Anyway, I realized today that it's been quite a while since I last posted in my blog. I actually think I ran out of thoughts over the past week. Nothing monumental has come to mind, although it actually rarely does. I suppose you could say my life is in a bit of a rut right now. My high from vacation has slowly worn off to the point where I'm back to where I was beforehand. I've come to the harsh realization that nothing ever changes in my life. I'm in the same situation work wise, relationship wise, and then some. I think I need a slight dose of change if I'm going to survive. Survive what exactly, I'm not sure, but survive

On a side note, I've become obsessed with the olympics over the past few days. Every single sport you could think of all packed into one. I was never much of a sport watcher, other than baseball and a little college BB, but there's something about rooting for your country against other countries that you can sink your teeth into. Like I was watching a match of women's volleyball. Rather exciting ;-) And of course there's the 400m individual medley. Ok, I just like saying medley. But swimming has its moments. Although it sucks that michael phelps keeps losing. But hey, you cant win em all. Its scary to think that a majority of these olympic athletes are younger than me. Does this mean I'm getting old? I couldnt imagine being in the olympics at 19. Although with my athletic ability, I shouldnt be anywhere near the olympics at any age. Sigh

Work has been slightly uneventful... Ryan Cabrera made a visit last week, and I had my usual few minutes with him. He's actually a nice guy, in that dorky sort of way. I found out he's actually a big rent fan, and has seen it about the same amount of times I have, although it's been a couple of years since my last viewing. I also found out his check in name at hotels for those looking to stalk him. What?? No, it wasnt me. well, maybe... ok, I only called twice. So yeah, that's work. Simultaneously exciting and monotonous.


Song for the moment: Franz Ferdinand - "Take Me Out"


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