Sunday, August 08, 2004

Say it aint so

Yes, it's early. Yes, I just got home. Once again, I spent another lovely night at the wha. Great music, amazing whachos, pounding sangria like nobody's business. Luckily, I pounded just as much water. Or at least that's what I keep telling myself. I love that place, they play such great music and it sounds amazing. On the way out, we passed by the dude from the dave mathews band video that hugs everyone. It's funny because I had a feeling at the beginning of the night that I would see someone famous. And there you have it, the dude from the dave mathews band video. What are the chances? No really, what ARE the chances?

Ok, the suns coming up and it's almost 5:30... once again, I get to go to sleep listening to my show. Which I think is what most people do. At least the beginning part... the early risers get to hear the tail end. But perhaps I'l go listen... Of course, that's if I can pull myself away from Back to the Beach. Sorry, I just have a weakness for frankie and annette.

God, I'm tired

Song for the moment: Jamaica Ska


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