Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Here we go again

Do you think that fate ever gives us a second chance, or even a third? I guess I should ask if you believe in fate to begin with.... Over the weekend, in some moment of randomness, I was thinking back to about a year ago to this bizarre encounter I had in some bar. I was out for the night in hoboken, back when I used to go out in hoboken, actually back when I used to go out... anyway, we had originally gone to one bar, which was kinda dead, so we hopped in a cab and went to this other place (10th and willow in case you were curious). Anyway, I went in, laid off the alcohol because I believe I was out of money at the time, and just kind of walked around and enjoyed the scenery, like I usually do at bars. On a side note, I remember there being some issue at the door because I was wearing sneakers. I always wear sneakers, they're comfortable. But apparently the dude thought I had been there once before. I have that familiar look I suppose. But he let us in because I was with the z100 people at the time. Anyway, back to the story... while walking around, I noticed this girl that looked awfully familiar, like someone I had seen before at school, like somoeone from school that I had taken a class with. I kind of dismissed it, because in a loud, dark bar, it's easy to create a connection of familiarity, however remote it may be, not to mention I have a habit of thinking people look like people they really dont look like. Yeah, that's right. But I couldnt shake it, so every time I passed, I had to stare.

So come the end of the night, as we were preparing to leave, we stopped off at the bar, coincidentally right next to her, so I lean over to my friend, my friend who was intoxicated, and mentioned that I think I went to school with this girl. So by the power of two, and alcohol, I leaned over and asked her, and sure enough, it was her. Now, this girl was probably one of, if not the most attractive girl in there, this fact being reiterated by my collegues. So we figured it out, she slightly remembering me, me slightly remembering her, athough obviously moreso than her. But the beauty of it was that she was also intoxicated, leading to plenty of touching. Now far be it from me to take advantage of any woman, but she was hanging all over me. So we talked a little, but it ended there, I froze. No number, nothing but a name and a general location... Kristin, from queens. Kristin of course being the name which I believe will one day be my downfall, for various reasons beyond this one.

So now I question, was this fate bringing two people together again in a different setting, staging something to be set in motion? Granted, she was WAY out of my league (I recall always likening her to kelly preston in class - which by the way was a group of 3 classes with like 20-25 people, so I wasnt stalking her out of a 300 person lecture, just so you know), and under normal circumstances would never have talked to me, but certain situations give way to certain results. Who knows what could have come out of that if the right things were said and done? Why did we meet again, about 5 years later, 220 miles away from school? Now after I kick myself numerous times after situations like this, I tell myself, if it's meant to be, we'll see each other again, but what if that was my one chance, what if that was all I get and I blew it? In how many situations am I possibly set up for things that are meant to be, and I don't take the right action, and I dont necessarily mean situations involving girls either, this just happens to be a prime example.

Once again, such is my life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't say that I believe in fate. That being the case, I'd say that the idea of things being 'meant to be' if you run into that person again isn't always the best point of view.

If she was hanging all over you, how come you didn't just ask for her phone number? Maybe she wasn't sure if you were into her and held back from volunteering it? Maybe she was just looking for a sign that you were interested in her?

Just a thought, you never know about this stuff until you ask and you never gain anything without a little risk. Maybe she wouldn't be the love of your life, but she might have been fun to hang with for a while. You just gotta take a chance.

Anyways, that's my nonfatebelieving 2 cents worth. Cya, space cowboy


3:55 PM  

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