Monday, December 27, 2004

Feliz Navidad

Our national christmas tree...



Saturday, December 25, 2004

The Christmas Song

Yes, it's that time of year, it's Christmas. Honestly, my favorite holiday, as I'm sure it is for everyone else, except of course my jewish friend. It's just so festive and pretty. Lot's of food, fun, family, and presents (even though it's the season for giving). Merry Christmas everyone... apparently I'm not allowed to say happy holidays, or so says my priest, but you know us catholics.

I'm working all day today, which means no spending time at the relatives house. Something I'll miss, but I can live with... my immediate family doesnt usually celebrate christmas on christmas day anyway. It just never works out for anyones schedule. We usually roll out of bed, get ready, and go to the relatives house. Everyone usually separates and we never can get together. So we pick a day shortly after christmas to exchange and have our own christmas celebration. It's actually kind of nice, how it should be. Plus the extra shopping days help.

But to all, have a merry christmas :-)

Thursday, December 23, 2004



Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Tuesday Night Movie Night

I want to share with you a phenomenon that has taken place for quite a while, something I don't believe I truly ever spoke of... It's something I have affectionately termed Tuesday Night Movie Night. It has become somewhat of a tradition, for at least a year now, at least I think it's been that long. It started in the days of katy working at the movie theater. It so happened where Dana, Katy and myself happen to have tuesday nights free, working into my schedule where I could get home early enough from work and both of them being off that day. In the early days, I believe it was just grab some dinner, usually Friday's or Magic Grill, and then go see a movie for free. It was the whole beauty of the event. That and spending time with my 2 best friends. So eventually it evolved into a little something more. Dana, and meaning this in the most endearing way possible, being the lush that she is, convinced us to return to friday's to have a drink. Although, with dana, it never seems to end up being just A drink. Somehow, it's always just one more shot, just one more shot, and we know what a sucker for alcohol I am. Luckily, I dont take it too far. And the beauty of being a regular at a bar, a bar fly if you will, is getting to know your bartender... not getting carded every time, trying new, exciting, and sometimes dangerous new things, and your bar bill getting smaller and smaller, although somehow the amount shelled out stayed the same. I guess it only seemed fitting. But nothing like having 6 shots and 4 beers (that's total) and having a $3 tab.

So eventually, Katy returned to school, but Dana and I decided to keep the tradition alive. Unfortunately, with that went the free movies, but we enjoyed it just the same. However, due to the lax staff of Loews, we've worked out a plan that only involves one movie ticket. Pretty crafty, but hell, movies are too expensive in my mind, so I'm paying for what they deserve. So pretty much Dana and I have our own little date night, and I've been deemed her other boyfriend, interestingly enough by her boyfriend. Sadly, tuesday has become the one night of the week that I actually look forward to. Hmm

So it may vary slightly from week to week... changes of venue here and there, but the tradition remains alive. A new movie every week, surrounded by some sort of food and drunk. Last week it was Ocean's 12... not bad, kinda funny, good DVD movie though. Tonight it's Christmas with the Kranks in attempts to keep with the holiday spirit. It has mixed reviews, but everyone hated the Village and Dana and I loved it. It's all subjective.

So yeah, that's Tuesday night movie night

Here We Go, Rock and Roll

Happy Winter Solstice everyone... and what a way to ring it in, with ASS COLD temperatures. yes, ass cold. Glancing over at the temperature reading, that's a thermometer to you average folk, it's currently 12 and clear. Yikes.

So it's been a while, as it usually ends up being. It's been quite the busy holiday season, and I have yet to begin actually shopping for anyone. I have a fun few days in store for me. Lot's of work going on, which means money in my pocket, but no gffts under my tree. Hopefully, people will actually be in work on thursday, despite the fact that my office is closed, so I can get out and do some shopping. Even though that only screws me being an hourly employee. Anyway, since it has been a while, as I said before, I have a story. It's my jingle ball story

So december 10th was jingle ball, or should I say Z100's Jingle Ball 2004, the much anticipated concert event of the year. Not a bad lineup... a few acts worth seeing, although I dont think I actually got to see them. Let's see, there was Switchfoot, Hilary Duff (complete with prerecorded track), Maroon 5, Gwen Stefani, Vanessa Carlton, Jojo, Ashlee Simpson, Kelly Clarkson, Destiny's Child, and Ryan Cabrera. And who could forget guest host lindsay lohan. :-) I stayed in my seat up to Maroon 5, who I was kind of looking forward to seeing, but that's about it. Everyone else I've either seen or wasn't worth seeing. But I like Maroon 5... songs about jane is a great album. Anyway, so I spent the rest of the evening in the green room, one of the perks of working for z100, although as a part timer, only granted 1 pass. A bit unfair to my guest, but pays to know the right people. Love ya carly E! But yeah, free food and drink, alcoholic drink, very dangerous. I wore my casual blazer and a button down shirt, jeans and sneakers. Received many compliments as a matter of fact, on the clothes and the weight. Made me feel good, always nice to feel good. My guest enjoyed the concert, being a former z100 employee who was fired ;-) It was a bit awkward at times, but he was joined by another fired employee and his current boss, so it all worked out. So after returning to see the tail end of Destiny's child, we made our way down to the after party. Also more free drink, alcoholic drink. You can see where this is going. So my guest, his boss, and my boss stayed for about 10 minutes and left, leaving me to enjoy the afterparty admist my coworkers. Now everything from this point on gets a little fuzzy. I can tell you what I drank... vodka tonics, I think about 6 of them, of course, this was on top of the 4 beers I had in the green room. I think I left enough time between, although I was starting to feel it back then. What is it, liquor before beer, you're in the clear, beer before liquor, never sicker? Or is it the other way around? Well, I think I proved my way. Now I don't remember much about the night... oh, and I think there was a shot of tequila thrown in there somewhere, I'm a sucker, what can I say. Apparently, I danced, and well. I was in a picture with coworkers. I remember seeing the boss, and his wife, really drunk, which is a fun sight. Umm... ok, so most of the night is fuzzy, but the end of the night is crystal clear... At some point, my body said, "christian, you've really had enough" and I listened. So I switched to water, and downed it in a sad, but valiant attempt to sober up. Unfortunately, which my body never told me, I passed the point of no return. Don't worry, we had a long talk about this. So I sat on one of the couches there, and could move. There came a point where I said to myself, it's time to go. Remember seeing a couple of coworkers, the few that were left, on the way out, but didnt bother talking and just kept going. I made the 5 block trek to the path station, to start making my way back to the radio station. I knew I would be staying here anyway for 2 reasons... couldnt drive if I wanted to, and my car was at the park and ride station, of which the trains had stopped running hours ago. So I made it the 5 blocks, which in my mind seemed like 20, and managed to find my path card and propped myself up agains the wall waiting for the train. At this time of night, they run about every half hour, which once again, with a poor concept of space and time, can seem like an enternity. So the train comes, going uptown (eventually making it's way back downtown since 1 train runs that late) so I got on to sit. I got on at 14th street... it went up to 33rd and was on the way back. At 9th street, I got the call. It was my body about to tell me that I'm an idiot. Yes, I felt sick. So I exited the train hoping to be able to make it to a trash can... I made it as far as the opposite side of the track. SO yeah, I left the 9th street path station a nice gift, from me to you during this holiday season. That was definitely pleasant. Thank god the station was empty! So now, of course, having exited the train, I had to wait yet another half hour for the train. So I made it back to JC in one piece and stumbled to the station. I left another gift, this time in its proper receptacle, the toilet, and then proceeded to pass out on the couch in someone's office, someone pretty important as a matter of fact. I felt so rock and roll. I eventually woke up, I think it was light out, and as to not get caught, even though it was a saturday, I went to my office and passed out on the floor for a few more hours. I eventually went to get my car, went home, left another present at home, and then had the nastiest hangover for the rest of the day. So yeah, that's Z100's Jingle Ball 2004, a pretty good lineup if you ask me. Can't wait for Zootopia!

I've only gotten sick now twice in my life from alcohol. I've come to the conclusion that since it happens so infrequently, when it does, it has to be quite an ordeal.

So Christmas is fastly approaching, so all my christian friends, Happy Christmas! I love this time of year. It's so festive and joyous. I love the lights, the christmas music on the radio, it brings a smile to my face, despite the fact that my house makes me feel like I'm jewish. At least the tree is up, I have that much.

Ok, I'm spent, besides gotta get back to work. Yeah, back to work at 3 am. Anyway, more to come.

Okely Dokely Do

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Hellos. Goodbyes. Reunions.

So this past weekend (friday night to be exact) was the much anticipated CNS reunion/Dr. Dave Burns going away party. A reuinion of my alma mater within my alma mater. Not sure how to describe it... bizarre, weird, bittersweet. It's hard to echo sentiments that I can't even explain. Just driving through college park brought a tear to my eye. I was one of the select few who decided to stop by the newsroom beforehand for the taping of the last show. It was almost as if nothing changed except the people around me, with exception of the teachers. I realized, pretty much then, that it had been about 2 years since I was last there, quite the long time. The party afterwards was just the same. Disappointingly, only one person from my cns crew showed, although it was good to see kate since the wedding, but having lived a majority of my college career in that newsroom, seeing people from other years was just as cool. And of course, who could forget the beloved crew of UMTV (in no particular order)... Woody, Paul, Chau, Erin, Francis, Tim. Everyone has gone off to do their own thing, we've all changed, but we're still bonded by this common experience within the basement of the Tawes Fine Arts Building.

Now, to echo Chau's sentiments, since it was Dave's going away, it was hard to say goodbye to him. I wanted to pull him aside and tell him how great of a teacher he was, and whether or not any innate talent lies within me, he taught me so much. Of all the classes I sat through, his was probably the most rewarding, extending beyond your basic rack focus, leading line. All the awards I got for photography he was respobsible for. He was a great man, and he will be missed. Those Dubaians don't know what they're getting.

The rest of the weekend was spent at Matty's. Figured I made the trip, why drive all the way back to NJ. To sum it up, Cluck-U, watched movies taken may 2002, bought super old movies for a dollar and a coat but passed over a casual blazer, was overtaken by my cold, reminisced in college park, ate at ratsie's for the first time, went to DC, WALKED, smoked a cigar down the mall, saw the WWII memorial, took some pictures and realized I need a new digital camera, ate at an overrated family-style italian restaurant... awkward moments.... decorated matt's christmas tree, drove home.

Pictures to come
