Saturday, August 28, 2004

Sic semper tyrannis!

Friday, August 27, 2004

Born to be wild

Well, I was never into heavy drugs or motorcycles, but why not...

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

On the road again

So this weekend, I packed up the olds and headed up to the boston area to celebrate the wedding of my friend kate from college. I know most people, especially single like myself, despise weddings, but I love them. Yes, I love getting sloppy and eating at the reception, but I love the ceremony too. Something about 2 people committing themselves to each other in front of a bunch of people that I just enjoy. Maybe watching two people not knowing what they're getting into. Funny ;-) So yeah, I woke around 7 on saturday and drove the 4 hours up to the area, swung by my cheap hotel room to change, and then headed to the wedding. There I ran into some old friends, both from college and actually 1 from high school... turns out one of my friends from high school is close friends with the groom and was an usher. Small world. Kate looked great in her gown. I think all brides look great on their wedding day. It just comes with he territory. At the wedding, I also saw katie calautti (which must be said with the full name) and erin (with their plus 1's of course) Somehow they all were able to bring plus ones except me. Which was good in a way, so I didnt have to figure out which one of my token "plus 1's" I was going to have to call where there was no threat of relationship and then having to spend the entire day explaining how they're just a friend and not a significant other at risk of making said "plus 1" uncomfortable, seeing as most of my "plus 1's" have a significant other of their own. Um, yeah. But it would have been nice to share my cheap hotel room with someone, even if there was no sex going on. Although it was a nice king-sized bed, and springy :-)

But anyway, the reception was beautiful, despite the fact that it rained. The reception was outside, but it was under a tent, so no worries, other than a spray now and then. The restaurant was right on the bay though, and once the rain passed, it gave way to a beautiful sunset, and as someone who appreciates the beauties of nature, it was amazing. And eventually, after our table was admiring the sunset, everyone else caught on, so they were all taking pictures on the deck. But anyway, the day was fun, I cant complain, and well worth the trip.

The following day I awoke in my empty hotel room, which was at a temperture of about 14F. Of course, this was after my surprise wake up call at 2 am from the fire alarm going off. Nothing like being ripped from your sleep by a unrelenting, high-pitched, piercing tone. But once the alarm stopped, I wiped the blood from my ears and went back to sleep. So yeah, the following day I eventually met up with katie calautti and her friend from a day on the city of boston. Of course, this was after getting lost. But hell, it gave me a chance to admire the many areas of the city. And let me tell you, I heart Boston! I would move there if an opportunity presented itself. It reminds me of Baltimore, only a little bigger and somewhat cleaner. I love cities by water, where the water doesnt smell like sewage that is. So we spent a lovely day in boston, first hitting up the museum of fine arts for a little artistic culture. I was a little disappointed with their collection, especially compared to the met or the national gallery, but decent. Then it was off to the museum of science. They had this wicked lord of the rings exhibit. We all know I tend to favor harry potter, and was never a hardcore fan of lotr, but I do enjoy the movies. And as a fan of the cinema, this exhibit was great. They had all sorts of genuine costumes and props from the movie. And yes, they even had the ring. Very cool exhibit, i do recommend checking it out. However, beware of the lord of the rings fans... who I liken to trekkies, costumes. Although I think it's funny how there was a disclaimer of "no swords of spears allowed in the exhibit" Hmm... And I saw a lot of people with red sox jerseys on. A definite draw back to the city. I almost yelled out Go Yanks, but wasnt prepared to accept the repercussions, since red sox fans would most likely feel the need to retaliate, since they cant win a baseball game, they settle their aggressions off the field. But yes, all in all a fun day, and an enjoyable experience for my first trip to boston. I definitely would like to go back in the near future.

By the way, the city of new haven can lick my left and right testicle. Only place I hit hardcore traffic on the way home. And it was late on a sunday night too. I loathe traffic. It can go to hell. It can go to hell and die!

And I looked everywhere for harvard yard, but alas, I couldnt find it to park my car there.

Oh, and this morning Christina Milian stopped by for a visit. She was very pretty in person (not in pink) and seemed sweet in the conversation that we had. Although it was early and I was tired, so I couldnt really tell. But yeah, that's all I have to say about that.

Red Sox SUCK!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

And there ain't no more to say

I know no one cares, and why should they... I might care a little, well I suppose I should care even the slightest bit. Anyway, I realized today that it's been quite a while since I last posted in my blog. I actually think I ran out of thoughts over the past week. Nothing monumental has come to mind, although it actually rarely does. I suppose you could say my life is in a bit of a rut right now. My high from vacation has slowly worn off to the point where I'm back to where I was beforehand. I've come to the harsh realization that nothing ever changes in my life. I'm in the same situation work wise, relationship wise, and then some. I think I need a slight dose of change if I'm going to survive. Survive what exactly, I'm not sure, but survive

On a side note, I've become obsessed with the olympics over the past few days. Every single sport you could think of all packed into one. I was never much of a sport watcher, other than baseball and a little college BB, but there's something about rooting for your country against other countries that you can sink your teeth into. Like I was watching a match of women's volleyball. Rather exciting ;-) And of course there's the 400m individual medley. Ok, I just like saying medley. But swimming has its moments. Although it sucks that michael phelps keeps losing. But hey, you cant win em all. Its scary to think that a majority of these olympic athletes are younger than me. Does this mean I'm getting old? I couldnt imagine being in the olympics at 19. Although with my athletic ability, I shouldnt be anywhere near the olympics at any age. Sigh

Work has been slightly uneventful... Ryan Cabrera made a visit last week, and I had my usual few minutes with him. He's actually a nice guy, in that dorky sort of way. I found out he's actually a big rent fan, and has seen it about the same amount of times I have, although it's been a couple of years since my last viewing. I also found out his check in name at hotels for those looking to stalk him. What?? No, it wasnt me. well, maybe... ok, I only called twice. So yeah, that's work. Simultaneously exciting and monotonous.


Song for the moment: Franz Ferdinand - "Take Me Out"

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Say it aint so

Yes, it's early. Yes, I just got home. Once again, I spent another lovely night at the wha. Great music, amazing whachos, pounding sangria like nobody's business. Luckily, I pounded just as much water. Or at least that's what I keep telling myself. I love that place, they play such great music and it sounds amazing. On the way out, we passed by the dude from the dave mathews band video that hugs everyone. It's funny because I had a feeling at the beginning of the night that I would see someone famous. And there you have it, the dude from the dave mathews band video. What are the chances? No really, what ARE the chances?

Ok, the suns coming up and it's almost 5:30... once again, I get to go to sleep listening to my show. Which I think is what most people do. At least the beginning part... the early risers get to hear the tail end. But perhaps I'l go listen... Of course, that's if I can pull myself away from Back to the Beach. Sorry, I just have a weakness for frankie and annette.

God, I'm tired

Song for the moment: Jamaica Ska

Friday, August 06, 2004

I've got a beautiful feeling

Today was the most beautiful day I've seen in these parts in a while. As I walked to my car after work, after the sun set a little, the sky was so amazing. The most perfect gradient of blue across the sky, accented with a hint of clouds. Of course the day was beautiful as well... made me feel like I was back on vacation. So cool, like a fall day, with a hint of burning of wood permeating the air.

Today was also my first official day back at work. It felt like a thursday, since my past 2 days we like a tuesday and a wednesday. It made it all the more better since I dont have to go into work tomorrow. I'm slowly working on a dvd to commemorate my vacation, pooling together all the pictures we have and attempting to make it a little more entertaining than just looking at a bunch of pictures. I was thinking.... it's almost like vacation slides with a little hip flare, so years from now I can break them out, dust off that old dvd player, and torture my children with daddy's vacation pictures. HAHAHAHA.

Um, yeah, that's about it.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

All I Wanna Do

Well, I'm back... After a nice long vacation, I decided to brave heavy eyelids tuesday night and reluctantly return home. It really sucked. I mean would you really want to leave this...

As usual, I held on to the very last second. I've been staying an extra day for the past couple of years, usually to hang out with a "friend" But this year, I just stayed a little longer than everyone else because I really didnt want to go home. I could have driven wednesday morning right to work, going from extreme relaxation to work. So I opted for my own bed tuesday night.

Now, I dont quite know how to describe my week. It just one of those experiences that you have to be involved in, one that stands on its own. and some things are just really hard to understand unless you're there. And I'd like to say we did all sorts of things, but I really dont think we did. Each day followed a simple formula with slight variation. Get up, swim, make some sort of large breakfast to feed 8+ people, do crossword puzzles and play a game or two, go out on the lake some more, go into town get some beer, come back make some elaborate dinner, and then drink until sleep. I really wish I could go back. It felt like I was there for at least 3 weeks, leaving me in a state of disorientation when I returned.... or maybe I can blame that on something else. Hmm

Song for the moment: Firehouse - "Love of a Lifetime"