Monday, June 28, 2004

Pieces of Me

So I went ahead and signed up for a free trial of .Mac... I'm sure there's some free service out there where I can host my pics, but .Mac is by apple, so it's just that much cooler than the rest. So for the next 60 days I can host my pics and therefore post them here. After the 60 days, I'm not sure of the fate of it... whether or not it's worth the $59 a year (because, yes, I'm still a student) to show you a few pictures. Although the features are kind of cool. I have an e-mail address (, I can sync my address book and calender with the web, and I can do a webpage if I so chose. Something to think about, perhaps that is what free trials are all about.

So here's a first little sample of what you can look forward to (yes, pictures of me, how exciting)...


Sunday, June 27, 2004

As I Risk A Neck, a

So I was out for one of my usual late night walks this evening and something didnt seem quite right. First of all, let me say there's nothing quite refreshing than walking around the burbs after 11... even though the sounds of cars can be heard, there's somewhat of an eerie silence, especially passing the revolutionary war graveyard. Spooky

Anyway, as I was saying, something didnt seem right... there was almost a eerie tinge in the air. There was a chill and an aroma of burning wood or burning leaves permeating the stagnant summer atmosphere. Almost autumn-like. In the distance a child is crying... a bastard child perhaps. As I rounded the corner on my second stretch of road, I got this weird sensation that I had done that before. Granted I go walking on a slightly regular basis, although it has become a tad more sporadic these days due to circumstances beyond my control. And I do always take the same route, so of course it's almost routine in my mind. But there was something eerily familar about this particular stretch. A certain, as the french say, "I don't know what." Maybe it was my mind playing tricks on me, as it often does on dark stretches of road. I cant even count the amount of times I've taken double takes on a walk, especially when the heart gets pumping and the blood is flowing. Or maybe it was the refried beans that I had with dinner. I almost felt as if I wasnt really there at all, as if it were some sort of dream, or a massive hallucination. It certainly felt like I was there, but not completely. Perhaps I was in the zone... but how much of a zone can you get in by walking?

I like walking.... it allows me to think. Most people bring along a walkman when they walk or run, I just think. Tonight, I mostly thought about her. I did it again, it's all planned out. I always fall into that trap, again and again. It's been a while since I've been there, and I know I have to get myself out, but it's not that easy. But I know what I have to say, all scenarios have been taken care of. All that's left is execution. It's hopeless, but i have to do it. If not for me, than for the good of mankind. It'll all be over soon

So maybe I'm crazy. OOH.... on second thought, maybe it was the beans

Thursday, June 24, 2004

My So-Called Life

There's something about my life. It's just automatically true that nothing actually happens.

I dont know what it is... Since I tend to overanalyze things, I also have a tendency to overplan things. I can go over something again and again in my head about how I want it to play out. I run through the scenario so much until I feel as if it's actually happened. However, when the time comes to execute, it's not even remotely close to how I had figured it in my head. Why is that? You'd think I'd be overprepared for the situation, having acted it out already. Or perhaps because I've thought about it so much, it's almost doomed to fail. I have one set way, which by the way is always beneficial and works to my liking, and if anything doesnt go according to plan, if anything waivers slightly, strays even the smallest bit from the path, I dont know what to do next. Therefore, creating a downward spiral of doom.

On a side note, I was watching a tivoed episode of My So-Called Life late last night after work. i've gotten into the habit of watching that show every week now. It strangely reminds me of my youth. This episode in particular was interesting. It made me think of how many people I let slip by because I always had my sights set a little too high for my own good. I'll use the wallpaper metaphor... let's say you're wallpapering your room, and you've narrowed it down to 2 kinds. One is good, but you don't know if you can stare at it for years. The other you know is perfect, but is way out of your price range. So do you take the one you can afford and settle, or do you wait until the other one is in your price range? In my experience, there no use in waiting... sometimes it's just not worth the wait. It might never go on sale or when it does, you find out you didnt want it to begin with. Wait, am I still talking about wallpaper? Basically, the grass isn't always greener on the other side. Cherish what you have, you've probably got the better deal anyway.

I am Krakow

Wednesday, June 23, 2004


I was driving home from work last night... actually I was on my way to Friday's for the usual tuesday night rendezvous, but I passed by a mega millions billboard. It said, "Hit it... mega big" I laughed, a confused laugh... I was thinking how much I'd like to hit it. I'd even settle for regular, it doesnt have to be mega big. Although at this point, I think I'm well over due for a mega big hitting.

This was brought out even further once at fridays... As usual, Dana and I were sitting at the bar, drinking practically for free with our favorite bartender Luke (it pays to be a regular, aka drunk) So anyway, there was a girl sitting diagonally from us who I was kind of mesmerized with. She had a young brooke sheilds thing going on... Blue Lagoon like. Now of course, I dont go anywhere near her, I just stare all night from a far. Perhaps it's the voyeuristic tendency in me, or the fact that I dont feel like getting shot down. I can spend that time getting drunk and not feeling awkward with my friend. But I continue to watch, at one point commentating as some other guy attempted to move in on "my" woman. Occasionally our eyes would meet in an awkward moment and I had to pretend like I was looking at something else. She kept playing with her hair, twisting it up. I couldnt help but watch. I love it when people play with my hair, I love it when I play with my hair (seeing as that's all that happens these days). So all this made me think that I REALLY need a little sexual release in my life. As much as I'd appreciate some love in my life right now, I'm too lonely to care what form it comes in.

I have no shame, thats life

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

How apropos

Thanks to Michelle for this dose of enlightenment...


Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator

Friday, June 18, 2004

Sibling Rivalry

Sorry folks, but between work and more work, I havent had a chance to bring you any compelling thoughts or stories. Hopefully, come this weekend, I'll have a few little entertaining tidbits to share.

On a side note, yesterday, Ashlee Simpson, Jessica's younger and less "popish" sister came up to the station (She's punk, BLAAAH!!) And of course, yours truly had to record her for reality radio. Now as you may or may not know, she has a new reality series on mtv following her sister's, so she was surrounded by an entourage of people, including a camera. Now after spending 30 minutes with her yesterday, I can only imagine what the actual show is like. Thank god for the power of editing. I guess I'll have to set the tivo to witness the magic. Now once I can figure out how to post a picture on this thing that will actually show up, I'll give you a glimpse. I'm currently accepting offers for picture hosting :-)

On the other side note, for some reason, perhaps out of true boredom (I was at work) I decided to watch "From Justing to Kelly" on tv. There are several things wrong with that statement. First of all, it should be a crime to subject humans to that movie. It should be outlawed in the US, and used only as a form of torture... like a form of communist propaganda. Secondly, I cant believe I actually sat and watched it. It was more like a train wreck than anything else. I wanted to turn it off, I really did. But the horror was just so captivating. I mean all the elements were there... a boy and a girl, a misunderstanding, a little humor, and random song and dance sequences. What more could you ask for? Acting? I just dont know where it was lacking. Maybe I'll just have to watch it again. Now, where's that gun of mine....

Rock and roll, girl power!

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Slippery when wet

So I was talking with a friend earlier today, a friend who shall remain nameless, about one his ex girlfriends. Apparently she has found herself a new man, and things have progressed to a pretty serious point. He was a little upset because in the back of his mind, he always had that glimmer of hope that one day things might go back to the way they were... that this break, however long term, was just that, a break. This, of course, got me thinking and as always I end up here.

When you think about it, we all have that someone that got away, that person that slipped through our fingers. I can think of a few people off the top of my head... a few infatuations that were products of my initial adolescent hormonal fluxuations (or a crush as you may call it). actually pretty much every girl I've come in contact with that I've had even the slightest interest in, but never pursued. Come to think of it, It's been a while since I've felt rather strong about someone to make me want them back. You treasure the time you spent together, but that's enough for me. I still think about them, and consider what if. But I've accepted what's happened, and have moved on. Although I'm not exactly sure to what it is I have move on to. Perhaps this is the reason for my perpetual lonliness. I let all the good ones get away, and now I'm left with nothing but me... isnt that comforting?

Now I've said this before, and I'll say it again... I'm a firm believe in fate, although only to a certain extent. I do believe that our futures are somewhat etched in the fabric of time, but not in stone. There are certain forces that push and pull us in a certain direction... but as we're experiencing this cosmic tug-of-war, we are ultimately governed by the choices that we make with what is thrown our way. Now in a way, I might be contradicting myself, but this wouldnt be he first time.

So anyway, as I was saying... do we go with the flow of life, accept our destiny, and if it's meant to be, either let the person eventually come back to us, or move on with their lives? Or do we go out in opposition and make the choice to regain what was once ours.? The person we loved 2 years ago, or a year ago, or even six months ago is not usually the person they are today. People, although it doesnt usually show on the surface, deep down are marred by change. It's the natural evolution of one's self to grow with their experiences and adapt to their surroundings. When people are together, they eventually grow together, sharing similar experiences, learning and adapting together, and being able to relate to what they have experienced. But apart, they grow in separate directions, and people find it hard to understand. Kind of like an inside joke, or basketweaving. Of course, I'm not ruling out the possibility of what you could call a reconciliation. Maybe what didnt work out back then, can now work out because of growth. I'll use my friend dicky as an example. He was dating his girlfriend for about a year. And then after a few spats, and one very big fight, their relationship dissolved. And after about 5 to 6 months, out of the blue, actually in attempt to play a joke on yours truly, they got back together and have been so for about a year now. It's kind of funny how things work out. It's all very complicated, I know, but think about it, and it'll make sense eventually.

So back to my friend, and all you other confused individuals out there. I can offer you few words of advice. Accept what has happened, and get on with your life. It could be all for the best. It's amazing how the slightest inconsequential event can alter the entire space-time continuum. Or, don't take things lying down and do something about it. The important thing is not to regret the choices we make in life. To look back a hundred years from now and say "what if." Its not right and I like to do the cha cha like a sissy girl... I like ah do da cha cha.

I'm sorry, did this all have a point? I gotta get to bed

Saturday, June 12, 2004


So today was an interesting day... I was filling in for my boss at Z100. He's the commercial production director there, which basically means he is in charge of getting commercials (and other random production stuff) ready for air. Basically anything that doesnt have to do with imaging, he takes care of. He's been there for over 15 years now, so he's pretty comfortable with his job. So in an attempt to do what he calls "Christian Sorge PR" at the station, he wanted me to fill in for him. Apparently, even though I feel this has changed recently, I'm a bit under the radar there. I do a lot of stuff, mostly nominal tasks, and once a week I do a show that airs over the weekend (not to be confused with my other show that airs on the weekend.) So since I interned with him, and have worked with him for the past 4 years now (god, that's a long time), he decided I was ready to step in for a few days. I have to admit I was a little nervous. I'm not the type to F up, and I have a pretty good attention to detail, but this is stuff that clients pay 10's of thousands of dollars for, so if I fuck up, it's all on me. Plus, it could hurt my place at the station. In addition, this all requires voice work, which I didnt do myself. My boss actually did it from home since he just had to take off to watch his kid. But still, incorporating it, and getting everything straight is a little more intense then sitting in a secluded office and dubbing all day. Despite this, I was up to the challenge.

Well I have to say, the day went pretty smoothly. A few kinks here and there, as expected with anything. It's one thing when you have someone there watching you, like a test drive. But once you're behind the wheel on your own, it's a little weird at first, but you fall into it. But I think I pulled it off. Hopefully this can mean a little more work and a little more money in the future. Of course, there are some roadblocks to be considered. I'm not one to step on people's toes, but there's someone at the station who usually fills in for this guy, but my boss really wants to throw me into the ring. I suppose it's his decision, but I can't afford any dirty looks in the hallway. At least anymore... ever since that day I forgot to wear pants.

But other than that, I also had my hands filled with a few stars passing through the station. First, it was alex from the calling... you may remember them from such hits as "whereever you will go." Or that big pop smash "whereever you will go" And dont forget about "whereever you will go." But apparently there's a new song on the way. Let's hope it'll be as big a smash as their first it... the name escapes me at the moment. He was actually cool... not very talkative to us normal people, but did a pretty good job with reality radio, which makes my job a hell of a lot easier. So no complaints there. Maybe he had some time to think since he was over an hour late. that's alright, take your time, I have nothing better to do with my time.

After squeezing in some work, but not much, it was time to make way for yet another group to record, this time it was the sexy brit trio mis-teeq. Apparently they have a top ten hit in the UK. Now my ass could have a top ten hit in the UK. Come to think of it, I think my ass DOES have a top ten hit in the UK. But not to discredit these ladies, they were very talented and very sweet. And to humble them even further, they took the PATH over from NYC. Let me tell you, that being my primary form of transportation to the city, there is nothing more humbling than that. The smell alone is enough. But anyway, they were also rather entertaining in their reality radio. Plus I find british accents on women to be extremely sexy, especially if the women themselves are sexy. They also had the most beautiful eyes, I couldnt help but stare, and for once, it was above the neck. Nothing like a little sexual chocolate to brighten your evening. Ladies and gentleman, Mr. Randy Watson.... Sorry, where was I? SO yeah, then after the reality radio, despite the fact that I had to desperately get back to work, they had to record this custom z100 intro for their song. Let's just say I got my taste of what's its like to work in a recording studio. 20 takes later, I think they had one they were happy with. I have to admit, it is refreshing to hear people that can sing, and perfectionists as well. And then there was tommy page along side coaching them. hehe, tommy page.. you may recall him from his big 90's hit, "I'll be your everything." He's now a record rep. Anyway, during this session, we all bonded. I've been offered to produce their next album. I think I might hold them to it. Just show up at the studio and be like "ok, I'm ready." And then I get escorted out by security after being kneed in the nuts. But yeah, It's fun hobnobbing with celebs. ;-) I think that's my destiny, to just hang with celebs all the time. Well, I can dream, can't I?

And think, I get to do this all over on monday :-)

God this is turning out to be a long post...

Thursday, June 10, 2004

I postively swear that I am up to no good

OK, so yet another nerd alert... especially since it has been brought to my attention how much of a dork I actually am (thanks chau!). So anyway, last night, Dana and I (and a few "tag-alongs") decided to take advantage of tuesday movie night coinciding with the recent release of harry potter, and go to see it yet again. This time, however, we ventured into the city of new york to experience the wonder that is IMAX. For those of you that have never seen a movie in IMAX, you have no idea what you're missing. It's one thing seeing a documentary at the liberty science center. But seeing an actual movie is quite an experience. The audio and visual quality was so phenomenal... every movie should be released in IMAX.

Having said that, after my previous review, following a somewhat jerk reaction towards the film, my view has changed slightly. Granted I still stand by my statement that it was a well crafted film and that the story was a little screwed up, I enjoyed it so much more this time around. I promised myself going in that I would watch it for what it was, and not pay attention to much of the story alterations (although dana and I went back and forth a few times during the movie about details, before we caught ourselves).... pretty much just appreciating it as a film standing on its own. And I have to say, it was probably one of the best so far. Chris Columbus has an overwhelming attention to detail as far as the original story, and was a good director. But like I said before, cuaron offers a new vision and flare to the story. Somethings were left to be explained... such as the things I was explaining to dicky and kristin on the way down to the car - the things I explained in the previous post. But if it's detail you're looking for, read the book (which I think everyone should do). It still amazes me that rowling created this entire magical world from scratch. A form of literary genius... and she did it without the aid of any hallucinagenic substances.

But I give the movie 2 thumbs up, and recommend it to all, even if you havent read the books - actually moreso if you havent read the books. Although a trip to the video store to check out the first 2 wouldnt hurt. It familiarizes you with the characters and the world. And you dont have to be a dork, like me, to appreciate the story. After all, i went to go see lord of the rings and enjoyed it. Well anyway, back to the goonies.

Mischief managed


Saturday, June 05, 2004



I must say, don't read on if you have yet to see the movie. I find that reading other peoples opinions on movies gives you a mind set going in, skewing your own take on the movie. Sorry, had to give you that disclaimer before you read on.

So last night, after months of what seemed like years of waiting, the third installment of JK Rowling's Harry Potter series was brought to life on the big screen. Having finally decided to read the books after seeing the first 2 movies and jumping on the potter bandwagon, I was more excited about this movie than probably any other movie I've seen for a very long time. We're talking childhood here. And the third book, next to the 4th, is one of the best of the series. So having said that, on with the review.

Let me start off by saying that I was a tad disappointed leaving the theater. I wish someone would have conjured a patronus to ward off the dementors that sucked the life right out of these movies. It was just riddikulus! (Sorry, I just needed to throw in that dork line). It definitely had it's moments. Although it was a slightly darker film, mostly because on the actual story line, it was probably funnier than the previous 2 combined, mostly due to Ron and Hermione's constant bickering. Also, I must admit I was aesthetically pleased with the film. Alfsonso Cuaron, who succeeded Chris Columbus as director, has a great eye. Some of the shots were the most beautifully crafted shots I've seen in a movie. There were a lot of interesting segues between time, using somewhat morphing scenery. He almost made you feel as if you were swooping in on the lives of the characters, observing the from a vantage point of a curious onlooker. So in that respect, I think this director brought to the table a fresh, and different approach to the world of harry potter, one we didnt quite experience with the first two. Now of course, this was all enhanced by sitting in the 4th row of a great theater, feeling surrounded by the screen with impeccable audio quality. What a great way to watch a movie... I cant wait until tuesday in IMAX :-)

So the movie on a whole was good, to the unbiased watcher looking for some entertainment value. But being an avid reader, I've got some complaints. I'm not sure who to blame this on... whether cuaron hacked the script to keep with his vision, or the writer chose to take a whole different approach to this film entirely. Or maybe it was a little bit of both. Needless to say, I hope when released on DVD, there's a couple of bonus discs with all the deleted scenes that should have been in this movie. I undertstand we're on a time budget here people, but if you're gonna spend millions of dollars on a movie, why not get it right. I know a lot of the die hard potter fans would gladly sit through a four hour movie to see their story unfold properly on the big screen. It's not my fault the attention span of the average person is exponentially shrinking. Try reading a book people, it broadens the imagination. Not to mention my ass is numb from the seat after about an hour and a half anyway, so tacking on an extra hour or so wont hurt. I mean I sat through lord of the rings...

Unfortunately, trying to adhere to the time limit and the story just made the movie seemed rushed. It touched on every part of the story briefly to the point where it was so jumpy at times, it completely lost it's flow. Harry Potter abridged. I would have liked a little more of the explanation that's provided in the book, not to mention some of the key influences in the story line, even for future books, were just left out. For example, the ending where they are on the train and sirius sends the note to Harry with a permission slip for Hogsmeade... it just ties everything together into a happy ending. Not to mention that the owl is given to Ron to make up for losing scabbers and is used as a form of communication with Sirius in the next book. Also, why were all the characters animagi? They never explained that is was for lupin's sake. And we didnt even know that James potter was one as well, turning into a stag, the reason for Harry's patronus taking the shape of the stag. They left out a lot of crookshanks/scabbers interaction as well... the whole reason for ron and hermione's love-hate relationship. The firebolt came way to late in the story... not allowing them to check it out for everything because they worry that it could be from the murderer Sirius, not the good Sirius. And who are moony, wormtail, padfoot and prongs? I think it's safe to say that cuaron and kloves definitely took some liberties with the story line this time, bending if not completely altering some of the story line to make everything work.

I must admit, it was definitely cool seeing some of the new characters and creatures brought to life. The dementors, although not how I imagined, were definitely the freakiest of all, and well portrayed on screen. I actually got chills while looking at them. Also, the new professors were quite entertaining. And of course, buckbeak was definitely cool to see.The time turner scene was definitely bitchin ( I believe those were my exact words in the theater). Michael Gambon did a wonderful job stepping in for the late richard harris, perhaps embodying the true spirit of Albus Dumbledore. And the patronus interesting, although I pictured it slightly different for the full form one, it got the job done just the same. Plus, the more contemporary spin on wardrobe was an interesting take on things - I believe this is due to cuaron. It is 2004, why not look like it.

Don't let my bitching fool you... It was a great movie, but like I said, I'm a bit disappointed and left wanting. Perhaps I psyched myself up to much for this one. Of course, all of this wont stop me from seeing it again. Maybe I'll put the books on hold until after I see the movie from now on. This can go for any movie to come. This, of course, being my first experience of actually reading for enjoyment. Or is it reading at all? Well, at least I started out with something a little above my reading level to challenge myself ;-) But let's just hope, for the sake of potter fans out there, that they dont do the hack job on the 4th movie that they did on this one.

That's about all I can think of for now, but I guarantee you, once I see it again on tuesday, I'll have plenty other things to say as their fresh in my mind. Let's just say, after last night, my vision is a little clouded, and not from the movie 0:-)

Bloody hell!

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Everybody wants to rule the world

Being that my new favorite word is blog, I've decided to use my blog, to discuss blogs. I've come to the realization that the popularity of these things is far greater than I originally thought. It turns out a few of my more opinionated friends have chosen to take their thoughts to the world wide web. Let's face it, everyone's got an opinion. At least us select few, a courteous few, decide to take our thoughts and put them in writing so we can allow people to read them at their leisure. Only if life was like that... "I dont care what you have to say right now. Write it down, and I'll get around to it when I feel like it."

Some use these things to convey the excitement (or lack thereof) of their days, some use it to empty their minds of nagging thoughts, and some use it for a little bit of both. But why are people so interested in what other people have to say? Is it perhaps a reflection of the old adage - the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence? It is always interesting to see what other people think, I must admit. Perhaps it's a little voyeuristic to peer into others lives... or maybe it's validating to see you're not the only one that thinks these crazy thoughts.

Regardless as to what the point of these things are, I tip my hat to those who are brave enough to expose their, what you could call "hand diarrhea," to the world. Keep it coming, you'd be surprised who's actually paying attention to you.

By the way, take a look at the following...
Realbadpudding's Blog (michelle)
The Chau Show's Blog
Tom's Blog
Katie's Blog (Hasn't been updated in a while, but some of the previous ones are rather entertaining)


As promised, here is my first entry in my previous BLOG

For those of you stumbling upon this and wondering what the hell you're doing here, please bare with me. I believe a slight explanation is in order before I begin. First of all, I cannot continue without giving credit, where credit is definitely due. Ms. Katie Calautti, this is definitely a result of your inspiration. There, it's said. Now why is a 23 year old man writing in an online diary cleary meant for those half my age, and with one less extremity. First of all, men keep journals, so let's clear that up. A diary is something your younger brother stumbles upon and reads in your room about your steady boyfriend putting his hand on your boob, and then making references to it at the dinner table so you know he's been snooping. A journal, on the other hand, is a place for thoughts, memories, and bullshit (ie what you're reading now). And besides, where in the laws of gender and society does it say that men of a certain age cant express their thoughts through writing. Of course, those of you who know me know I've always been a little off. So there you go.

Now, in know way do I guarantee this to be interesting, thought provoking, entertaining, or humorous. After all, I do work in radio. And if that is something you're looking for, allow me to direct you to the following site... I have to say that for the past few months, this had provided me with some entertainment. I've laughed, I've cried... OK, i can't back that up, but I've come close a few times. No, cant back that up either. But it is entertaining, and Katie is always good for a laugh or too, whether it is with her or at her. And she works at hooters, so enough said :-)

My life is not the most interesting of things, at least from the cheap seats. I mean if someone were to make a movie about a post college man searching for meaning and purpose and his place in society, and the hijinks, ups and downs that result from said search, they wouldnt be knocking on my door. Hell, I havent even been on a date in X months. Oh, who the hell am I kidding, X years. But they say someone is only as good as the company they keep, so I can give you something from that. Plus, besides the occasional alcohol-induced blackout or drug-induced hallucination, there's more going on in this huge noggin that you think. (I swear, it's like an orange on a toothpick) It's always going with some thought about the strange events that occur in the world of christian. And while detailed accounts were never my forte, a concise summary will entertain just the same.

So enough about that. Now to my friends, I have to apologize in advance and offer a disclaimer. Any details of your life that we may share are subject to usage and publication. For some of you, nothing to worry about. And for others, you better hope this page doesnt spread too far. Hell, what have I got to lose.

But having said that, and exhausted my creative time for the day, ponder on what you have read for a day or two, and check back every now and then for updates. :-)

Now back to Big Trouble In Little China... as far as I'm concerned, Kurt Russel and Kim Cattrell's greatest achievement.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Switching channels

So after viewing a blog of the lovely chaushow, I've decided to switch hosting of my blog to this site. I figured I'd give it a try for a while. It's a little flashier, in a visual sense, not in a I'm a computer dork sense. But yeah, and to accomodate those who havent experienced my previous blog, I'll post it to this blog. It's fun saying blog, isn't it? BLOG BLOG BLOG